Chapter titles are hard

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Tony flashed the frazzled librarian a dazzling grin as he leaned against her desk. It was a typical standing height that rounded off toward the right. There were stacks of returned books to be sorted on a trolley behind it and a bin of free bookmarks, mostly the kind given by politicians during parades, with a note encouraging people to take one. "You've been so helpful, you're certain it was her?"

"Oh yes mr Stark, beautiful little girl. She's been in here several times. Bright little thing, wandered through several sections each time." The woman gushed.

"But she hasn't been in since this morning?"

The woman's eager smile slowly slipped from her face. "No," she admitted quietly. "She was here this morning, as I said, but she left hours ago."

Tony nodded his thanks and returned to his car, dropping against the hood beside Happy with a groan. "She left, I told you I should've taken the suit."

"You can't be flying around with her in the iron man suit," Pepper snapped, not willing to repeat the argument they'd been having since they headed out.

"What now?" Happy interrupted.

Tony sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. "Now we stay put. She got our attention for a reason, we stay where she'll be able to notice and come to us."

"And her social worker?"

"Sadly I can't actually attack her," tony replied seriously.

Pepper rolled her eyes at the man's dramatics. "I meant, would you like me to call her?"

"Hell no," both men snorted in tandem.

Tony smirked, "we get Addy, bring her home, call Decer's superior and get my kid back."

"Her name's Decro." A voice laughed from behind him.

"Necro more like," tony snickered as he turned to face them, the smile falling from his face. "Addy," he breathed in relief, gaze tracking worriedly over the girl.

Addy's lips twitched with the hint of a grin, "Hey old man, what took you so long?"

Tony rolled his eyes and moved forward. "miss voice of reason here reminded me how you feel about flying," he muttered and knelt in front of her, tucking a lock of dark hair behind her ear. "You couldn't have tried getting in touch before wandering off on your own?" He whispered.

"Dumbass didn't have internet," she shrugged. Addy's brown eyes began to mist over and she bit her lip in an attempt to control her tears. "You're taking me home right? That's why you're here?"

Her tone was careful, controlled, and it broke Tony's heart to notice she'd taken a half step backward, prepared to run away if he said otherwise. "That's right kiddo, you're coming home and I'll never let you go again, I swear it."

She studied him skeptically, glancing toward the other adults to confirm before finally moving toward him. "You gave me away," the girl accused, a tear finally escaping to roll down her cheek.

Tony could think of nothing else to say but, "I'm sorry."

"Mother was right, grandfather is horrible," she sniffled.

Tony reached toward her, letting out a relived sigh when she launched herself into his chest and locked her arms tightly around him. He closed his eyes, pulling her in close. It seemed a moment to savor, like he could somehow lock this moment in time into his mind. Not the pain that led them here but the feel of his little girl held safely in his arms again. "I'm so sorry kiddo, I thought you'd be better off."

"Yeah well no one ever accused you of having the best ideas," Addy mumbled into his shoulder.

Tony let out a watery laugh and managed to stand, keeping her wrapped securely in his arms. "Let's go home Happy."

And then we were two (Tony stark's daughter fic)Where stories live. Discover now