Aidan's email: delegation

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I was a little surprised to get your email so fast; I assumed you'd be out in the field or something. I guess I thought the hunters trusted you more than they do, and that was foolish on my part.

What Ralph suspects about Mel is true: she's coming apart at the seams. Casey has to make her eat. Keith has the rest of us going behind her back to get projects done, but it doesn't matter because she had a list a mile long and she's not waiting for spring. Nothing that's going to kill us, but it would be a lot easier to dig fences when the wind isn't howling, and it isn't ten degrees below zero. Susie Lynn had the bright idea to get her mother to teach us some wrestling so that that given all of us a reprieve. Mel puts me on the mat faster than you did, and that is somehow even more galling. I'm thinking about suggesting she come run with me in the mornings, we can shift, and go to our old cabins, the one I've been fixing up at least. It's a two-hour run, and I think she could be alone and take some of the weight off her shoulders. I know I feel calmer there.

I think, if you could talk Ralph into not calling, that would helpful? He'd have to have some excuse, but I don't think hearing his voice is making any of this easier here. We can take care of Mel, and I'm more than happy to send status updates if it means that Mel stops trying to mix concrete by herself.

Keith and Casey have been great about delegating, especially since everyone has pitched in with Katie and Susie Lynn's classes. Daria decided that they should have home economics and learn a language. Did you know Daria speaks French? Will wonders never cease? Anyway, she ordered a cookbook that uses chemistry and physics, and so she and Keith have been sifting through it to line up their classes. And she's found a podcast that everyone's been listening to learn French. I guess I have to resign myself to being the boring teacher. Any help you have to that end would be appreciated. We're going to be the most educated, up to date, document laden werewolf pack than the country has ever seen. That's right, Mel took Katie to get her driver's license last week and now, we just have to sort out Brian's birth name to get his IDs made. He's not thrilled, but Mel is determined. Everyone has been driving more since we're all aware that Ralph won't be when he gets back.

And fine, you don't want to embarrass yourself with your favorite movie. I get it, you loser. You probably should be embarrassed, if your favorite color is mint green. You probably like, the Notebook or something equally hetero and ridiculous. I've always liked that weird red -orange color that the sky gets when it's cloudy at sunset. Daria tells me it's salmon, but she's wrong, and I'm not listening to her. Since turning, I've really liked the Hulk, because he is a lot like being a werewolf, having this side that you have to constantly be aware of, take care of. Also, I like the idea of being a superhero in training, like we're not there yet, but someday we'll get our own television show. I would be the token gay one, I guess. But I would still kick ass.

Much love,



I would watch the heck out of that show. 

So, a little random, but I worry that at the current schedule we will run out of updates before I get a chance to work on this series again. So we can drop to one update a week and it will last longer, or stick with two chapters a week and have a hiatus when it's finished. Which do you prefer?

Thanks for reading! 

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