Welcome To The Black Parade

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"AHHHH!!" I screamed as I held on to Michas arm as we fell. " For fucks sake, open your eyes and stop screaming. " I opened my eyes and looked up at him blushing then I stepped away from him and brushed off my jeans as if I were cleaning myself. Micha rolled his eyes at my childish actions. "Come on, we're almost there. And please don't act dumb, okay?" I nodded to him and followed behind him keeping a small gap between us. "Why did that happen? Like why did it look like you jumped off a cliff? " We both kept walking at the same pace and he never once looked back at me. "To protect ourselves from intruders we use magic."  "What really?" I asked a bit giddy. Micha shook his head and laughed a little. " No, we just use illusions and art. So yeah it's kinda like magic. " 

We walked into a colorful garden with edible plants and flowers. We walked through a small garden area where younger children were playing. I looked behind us and saw the monotone scene. We go to the end of the garden and stepped on gravel there were large apartments and they weren't bland and colorless like the ones back at campus, these ones were colored with pink, blue, orange, purple, and other bright colors. Micha walked backwards and smiled at me. "You're going to meet our 'ring master.' He likes being called that for some reason. Don't be intimidated by his outward looks, he's a big softy once you get to know him." I giggled and nodded. We reached a house that was plain blue and had a small hard with dark green grass. Micha opened the door and told me to go and wait in the kitchen. The house looked practically the same as the one back at campus. 

I sat at the table and waited patiently as I heard faint chatter.

 "Okay, I have stuff to do so please make this a quick thing." A voice said.

 Micha walked into the room as a white haired teen stood behind him in the door way staring at me. " Echo? " He asked with disbelief in his voice. He ran over to me and hugged me tightly, I hugged back confused and mumbled a 'yes?'  "Its me, Gee. Don't you remember?" He said stepping back a bit. I sighed and thought for a moment as I went over his features. I looked at his round face and brown eyes. Then I remembered he was the same person from my dreams and the picture.

Gee pulled away and sighed holding my shoulders at arm length. "Right, obviously you don't remember that much. So I'm going to see how much you do know and assess what you'll be best at here." I nodded as Micha walked out of the room and called. " I'm going to the border. Have fun. " We heard the door shut. "So how did you die?" I looked at my hands. " I don't really remember, I just remember general knowledge and what I see in dreams. " He nodded. Gee took his hands off my shoulders and looked in my eyes. "Echo-" I cut him off. "When we're alone you can call me by my real name okay?"  

 "Eve you can trust me." 

Those words meant everything to me. They made me feel safe and not so alone. Gee  handed me a black and grey jacket which looked like one that people from marching hands wore. I held it and looked at him. "It just shows that you belong to us. Welcome to the black parade Eve."

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