The Arrival

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I squeezed Ginny's hand in reassurance, but mostly also to reassure myself. Mcgonagol had ushered us out the quidditch field before breakfast and there we were, sitting under our respective house banners. "I wonder how they'll come," Ginny whispered in my ear. "By boat? By chariot? After all, they can't possibly go on the Hogwarts Express..."

"They are able to." Hermione whispered back. "Since they're demigods, they can see through all the disillusion charms on Hogwarts and they can enter platform 9 3/4."

Hermione had forced the Gryffindors to do our research last night. Apparently Greek gods are real and their offspring were coming to visit us.

Just as I was drifting off, too tired to be up so early, Ron suddenly shouted, "They're here!"

I jerked back. Sure enough, there were 9 Pegasi in the air. 1 was pure black and the others were pure white. "I thought Mcgonagol said there were ten?"

Soon the specks came closer and I saw Ginny's eyes widen and mouth drop beside me. Hermione was having the same reaction. I squinted through my glasses. There. On the black Pegasus was a boy who looked my age. He was wearing an orange T-shirt. His muscles could be seen and his black hair was flying in the wind. His eyes were like a sea on a calm day.

Then, as the Pegasi were preparing to land, it was time for us guys to gap. Behind him sat a beautiful girl with blond princess curls and stormy grey eyes. The only problem was that her slim arms were draped around the boys waist and she had just kissed his cheek.

The Pegasi landed and the kids, who I noticed were nearly all dressed in the same orange t-shirt, got off. Then the Pegasi flew away...

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