Chapter 2

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Previously on Revelations: The first guy started shooting at the thirteen year old but he just started dodging it like it was no big deal. Once the first guy noticed that he was doing nothing he quickly pulled out a remote and pressed a couple of buttons and the next thing they knew the building exploded.


The pillar of fiery smoke and dust, still boiling up from where the bombs had gone off, was being violently agitated at the bottom. A series of new flashes broke out, lifting and spreading the cloud of smoke and dust as tremors rocked the warehouse, making more pillars and ruble collapse, and then a great gush of flame rose.

The sky was painted red. Not the red that represented love and passion, no, it was the type of red that represented blood, fire and danger. Smoke rose up to the night sky looking as if it was dancing. Ashes was raining down as if it was rain.

Twenty feet away from where Robin laid, one of the pillars that was supporting the warehouse crumbled and collapsed as another tremor rocked the whole place. Robin blinked his eyes open, trying to let his vision adjust. It was hot, fire was everywhere and the smoke was filling the whole place. He had to get out, and fast, but not without the rest of the team.

Despite his headache and the loud ringing in his ears, Robin stood up from where he laid. He tried to focus but his head was pounding so much, it felt like it was going to split into two. The ringing in his ears and sounds of falling rubble and concrete falling heavily on the ground only made his headache worse. His vision was blurry and the smoke only made it worse. His lungs were on fire, he tried to breath but only managed to inhale smoke making him cough. He held a hand to his head hoping to make his headache and dizziness subside. He closed his eyes trying to make the ringing in his ears stop. When it finally did that's when he realized the shouts of his friends.

"Robin! Robin! Where are you?!"
"Rob! DUDE! Where are you?! Are you okay?! Are you hurt?! Rob, please answer me! Why haven't you found him yet?!"
"I can't hear him over this noise! And we also have to worry about Miss Martian and Aqualad!"
"Robin! If you can hear us please give us a sign!"
"Superboy! Get Aqualad and Miss Martian out off here!"

Robin tried to shout hoping that they could hear him but he just ended up inhaling more smoke making him have a coughing fit. His vision blurred more and the world tipped to the side. Before his brain could comprehend what was going on, he fell to his side making him grunt as his body ached in protest. He doesn't know how long he stayed on his side but he her does know is that he needed to get out of their or atleast make the team aware where he was. He tried to locate where his teammates are by trying to locate where their voice were coming from.

'If I don't get out of here soon, I'm toast, literally.' Robin thought as he noticed that it was becoming more hot and harder to breath. He tried to focus more on locating where the shouts of his teammates were coming from. 'There!'

No wonder why they didn't find him yet, a part of the roof fell in between him and the rest of the team.

'This just got a whole hell harder.' Robin mentally groaned as he remembered that he ran out of exploding batarangs during the last mission and he had no time to restock. 'Wait! Hopefully Miss M is okay now!'

"Miss M! Can you hear me?!" Robin winced when he heard his voice, even if it was just in his head, it sounded his lungs were charred and his vocal cords was so rough that it actually became hoarse. But on a better note, it means that Miss M is okay.

"Robin?! Where are you and the others?! I can't seem to reach them, their voices were too loud and they couldn't seem to hear me with all the things that was running through their heads! I just woke up a few minutes ago outside with Aqualad with me! He needs water soon, I'm calling the Bioship right now!"

Robin sighed in relief when he heard Miss M in the mindlink but her shouting in his head only made his headache worse and he could hear how scared and worried she was.

"Calm down, Miss M! I really need you to keep trying to contact the others! I'm separated from them and I have no way to get in touch with them!"

Miss M seemed to calm down and let it sink in for a moment and replied.

"Okay, I would need to cut you off tho just in case their emotions get too overwhelming. I'll add you to the mind link when everything is better!"

"It's not like I have much anywhere to go," Robin replied. He felt the mindlink break just when another piece of debris fell two feet from where he was. Miss M better hurry or all the team was gonna find is a pancaked or burned Robin and that doesn't sound quite good if you ask him. There was always plan Z but he swore to never use it... especially not now.

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