Chapter 7

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Previously on Revelations:

"Dick Grayson was shot earlier today at the Wayne Enterprises Press Conference this morning. No official statement has been released about his condition but medical officers have stated that he is undergoing an operation right this instance-"

"I have a mission for you," Superman started. "I'm not sure if all of you have heard but Dick Grayson, ward of Bruce Wayne, was shot earlier in a press conference at Wayne Enterprises. The team is to watch over him until the League finds the assassin."

"Ever since the failed mission last week, both Batman and Robin remained unresponsive."


The team sat in the Bio-ship, flying to Gotham City dressed in their casual wear. Artemis was glaring daggers at the speedster who was just glaring at her back. M'gann looked between the two of them with concern while Superboy just ignored all of them, preferring to look outside instead.

Aqualad sighed in his seat. They just left Mount Justice five minutes ago and the two already managed to cause an argument. Artemis was complaining about how they were just wasting their time and why should they even watch over a boy that can ask for literally a God to watch over him. However, Wally didn't agree with her and started saying that she was just lazy and can't watch over a kid.

"Can you to just shut up," Superboy murmured. "We're given a mission and once we get it over with, we get to go home. Done."

Artemis glared at him for a while and groaned, folding her arms over her chest and just turned to glare outside.

The speedster was still frowning at the female green archer but turned to look at the floor instead. And the flight continued to remain that way until they got to their destination.

"Uh," Megan said, breaking the awkward silence. "Just how are we going to Wayne Manor exactly? Cause Superman didn't really tell us how we'll go there. We can't just land in front, what if people see us?"

"We go somewhere that no one can stumble across the Bio-ship and continue to walk on foot," Aqualad answered.

"This better be worth it," Artemis mumbled


Superboy threw the last few branches around the Bio-ship, completely hiding it from plain sight.

"Okay, so, does anyone of us know how to get to Wayne Manor?" Artemis asked.

The team remained silent until Wally sighed. "I know."

The team stared at him like he grew another head.

"What?" he asked, feeling weird for being stared at for this long.

"Nothing!" M'gann replied. "It's just that I don't think any of us has been to Gotham especially with the no supers rule much less know where Wayne Manor is."

Wally just rolled his eyes and started walking to the crowded roads of Gotham with the team following him. "I've been here countless times to visit someone who's close to me so I know some places in this city."

The rest of the walk was peaceful and quiet with the occasional chatter of Megan and Artemis.

"How much farther?" Artemis complained for the tenth time.

"Just up this small hill," Wally answered.

Connor, having been silent for the majority of the time, spoke up. "Remind me again why we're doing this?"

Wally turned to glare at him, ready to snap for having to hear the same question since their departure from Mount Justice.

"Because," Aqualad replied before Wally can start a fight. "This is a mission that serves as something vital for the League."

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