Chapter 6

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Previously on Revelations:

"Go and rest, you can visit him in the morning," Black Canary spoke up and turned to follow where Batman went.

"But how about Robin, we can't just leave him here alone," Raquel said, her arms folded over her chest.

"I'll look after him tonight," Wally said, his hands still clutching the thirteen-year-old's hand.

Artemis was the last one to leave, she stared at the redhead but his eyes were only on the ebony haired boy. With one last look over her shoulder, she turned and left, closing the door behind her. 


It had been a week since the failed mission. Batman came in the next day and brought Robin back to home. No one, not even Wally, has heard from them since.

The team was lounging around Superboy was switching through channels.

"Hey Wally, are you sure you've heard nothing from Batman nor Robin?" Zatanna asked.

Said speedster groaned in annoyance. The team has been asking this almost every three hours.

"I don't know, why do you think I'm here if I can just go and visit him right now?" Wally asked in exasperation. Why do they think that he would know? He was just as restless to hear from the Dark Knight and Boy Wonder as well.

"Well, seeing that you were so protective of him and as well as the fact that the two of you are best friends and have known each other the longest, we thought you would know before any of us," Artemis said, rolling her eyes at the speedster.

Said speedster opened his mouth to rebuke, which would most probably lead to another argument. However, before he could even utter a word, his attention was suddenly on the television that Superboy kept switching.

"Dick Grayson was shot earlier today at the Wayne Enterprises Press Conference this morning. No official statement has been released about his condition but medical officers have stated that he is undergoing an operation right this instance-"

"International K-Pop sensation sells out Wembley Stadium is less than two hours-"

"Wait! Wait!" Wally yelled, standing up to his feet. In a blink of an eye, he snatched the remote from Superboy who continued to switch through channels. He switched the channel back to the news channel. He was literally vibrating on his feet but no one pointed it out, too bothered and confused to the fact why he did that.

He finally stopped changing the channels until it was back to the news channel.

"- is currently receiving medical treatment after undergoing a successful operation. It is said that he will be released from the hospital later afternoon and continue with his medical treatments at Wayne Manor because of safety reasons."

"Wally," M'gann spoke up, her face confused yet concerned for her friend. "Are you okay? You look pale."

"Yeah, dude. You look like you're about to collapse," Raquel commented.

However, all of this went to deaf ears. The redhead not even looked like he heard any of them.

"Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne has yet to make an appearance or release any statement to what happened to his ward. "

"Hey, Baywatch! We're talking to you here!" Artemis snapped.


"Team, report to the mission room," Superman's voice echoed through the hallways.

Wally didn't wait for the superhero to finish. He was already out of the room before anyone can stop him, throwing the remote to the couch, not even caring if it broke or not.

The team only looked at each other and started making their way to the mission room.

When they arrived, they were greeted by the sight of a fuming speedster glaring at an impassive Kryptonian.

Superman broke eye contact with the redhead, turning to face the rest of the team. He brought up a holographic computer, showing a bunch of photos of the ebony blue-eyed boy from the news earlier.

"I have a mission for you," Superman started. "I'm not sure if all of you have heard but Dick Grayson, ward of Bruce Wayne, was shot earlier in a press conference at Wayne Enterprises. The team is to watch over him until the League finds the assassin. Any questions?"

"Several questions actually," Artemis spoke up, her voice angry. "First, why are you giving the mission, last time I checked, it was supposed to be Batman who gives missions. Second, what makes you think that we'll watch over some snobby rich kid?"

Superman's eyes seemed to harden at her questions but luckily Aqualad stepped up before anything could happen.

"With all due respect, Superman," Aqualad stepped up, turning to give a warning glare at the archer. "We are just curious as to why the League is helping out in this assassination attempt and why we need to watch over him."

"Well, seeing that Bruce Wayne is one of the secret investors of the Justice League and helps with the technology around here, the Justice League figured that the least we can do is to send a group to watch over his ward until the Justice League finds the assassin," Superman answered.

"How about Robin? And where's Batman?" M'gann asked.

"And that's the other problem," Superman sighed. "Ever since the failed mission last week, both Batman and Robin remained unresponsive. Have any of you heard from them?"

The team instantly turned to look at the redhead speedster, including Superman. Wally groaned and raised his hands in exasperation.

"NO! How many times have I said that no, Rob nor even the Batman messaged me," he groaned.

Superman just sighed once more, most probably expecting that answer. "Well, hopefully with what is happening right now with Bruce Wayne and his ward, we'll hear from them soon. Okay, team, pack clothes for at least a week, we don't know how long we're going to take, you will depart in two hours."

He was about to turn and leave when Wally spoke up for the second time since the debriefing. "What of the no supers in Gotham?"

Superman turned to look at the speedster. "That's the only thing we've heard from Batman, he said he'll let it pass."

With that Superman left and the team stood there in shock. Batman was actually allowing them, supers, into Gotham? This must have been bigger than they taught.

Aqualad seemed to be the first one who snapped out of his shock. "Okay, team, you heard what he said. Pack up for at least a week, we'll leave in two hours."

"Uh," Zatanna squeaked before the team could disperse to start packing for their mission. "Sorry but I can't come, I have a quiz tomorrow so my dad expects me to be home later."

"Yeah but I'm out too," Raquel spoke up. "I have a science competition this week"

"It is okay my friends," Aqualad said before Artemis could complain about why they get to ditch the mission. "We will just contact you if we need any help. Good luck with those things you need to do."

Zatanna smiled apologetically and left with Raquel following her. The rest of the team went to their rooms to start packing for the mission and Wally and Artemis calling their parents to tell them they won't be home for a while and Conner and M'gann messaging their friends that they will be absent for a while due to family problems. 

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