Chapter 4

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Previously on Revelations:

"ETA, twenty minutes. Black Canary prepared the medical ward and is now waiting for us," Miss Martian informed the team and the ship was shrouded by silence. They were all worried for their youngest but unfortunately the Bio-ship was already going on top speed.

Kid Flash was unnervingly quiet but none of them blamed him. The speedster was gripping the Boy Wonder's hand like a life line. When the ginger spoke though the team tensed and became nervous.

"Who's going to contact Batman?"


Once the Bio-ship landed, Kid Flash came running down the ramp with Robin in his arms. He ran right pass Black Canary and straight to the Medical Bay, he barely registered running pass Red Tornado on his way, it was like he was in tunnel vision, which he probably was.

He quickly laid the thirteen year old on one of the beds where most of the machines were at. A minute later, Black Canary runs in but for Wally it felt like eternity when she entered.

"I need you to go out, Wally. You can't be in here," Black Canary said while rushing to on of the machines.

"W-what?! But I can't leave Di- Robin alone! We made a promise!" Wally yelled in protest, his grip on Robin's hand tightening. (Since when was he holding his hand?) Despite having it been five years since they made that promise, Wally wouldn't forget it and he doesn't plan on breaking it anytime soon.

" I know Wally, but I really need you to go out," Black Canary looked at him with sadness and guilt in her eyes, she knew better than to separate the two especially when it concerned with their promises especially if it's a promise that they made when they first met but she really couldn't have Wally stay. She'd rather face a depressed or moody teen than an angry and protective Batdad.

Wally looked at her with pleading eyes. Black Canary bit her lips trying to resist.

"Wally, I promise you, he will be fine. I would never lie to you about this and you know that," Black Canary sighed and continued seeing Wally was still looking at her like a kicked puppy. "I'll tell you first before I tell the team and you'll be the second person I'll call, right before the League. That's as far as I'm going, Batman gets to know first and you can't do anything about it, now get out so I can start treating him."

Wally looked more relieved and zipped out of the room, pacing in front of the doors.

Black Canary sighed and let out a small smile. Those two, practically inseparable. She shook her head and looked at the thirteen year old laying on the bed and instantly went to work. 


After cleaning and changing to their casual clothes, the rest of the team went to the medbay only to be greeted by Wally sitting on the chairs outside of the medbay completely still. It unnerved the team, including Superboy not that he will admit it.

Aqualad walked forward and kneeled in front of the ginger who still hasn't acknowledged their presence. Aqualad then placed one hand on Wally's shoulder making Wally look at the leader.

"Robin will be fine, Wally. Have faith."

Wally opened his mouth to say something when the doors to the medical bay opened and Black Canary walking out, keeping her communicator in her pocket. Wally instantly sat up and ran in front of her, leaving Aqualad kneeling there in front of the now empty seat and his hands suspended in the air where Wally's shoulder was.

"Howishe?Ishealright?Whatifhesnotalrightohmygoshwhatifhesdead?!PleasedonttellmehesdeadIcantlosehim!" Wally was rambling and the team could barely understand him but they saw tears pool in his eyes and it set the team on edge.

Black Canary placed both her hands on the ginger's shoulder making him stop vibrating and braking down. "Wally, listen to me. Robin's fine, he's stable and will be perfectly fine. I'm just running one last test on him to see if anything in his body is different but other than that, he's only suffering from oxygen deprivation."

Wally's eyes widened upon hearing the last statement. "But oxygen deprivation is still dangerous! It could effect his brain and body! Are you sure you scanned him for any other problems?!"

"Yes, Wally. I did all the scans that I can and he's perfectly fine, he just needs to wake up now," Black Canary answered calmly to the distressed speedster.

"Does that mean I can go in?!" Wally basically jumped and ran inside when Black Canary nodded. Black Canary couldn't help but sigh and smile at the fifteen year old's antics.

She looked at the team who still stood there gaping on what they just saw. Black Canary smiled at them. "Yes, you guys can also come in."

She didn't turn to look if the followed her and entered the medbay and walked to one of the machines that was still on. She heard the footsteps of the team follow behind her into the medbay.

"Batman will be here in 10 minutes, prepare for your mission report," Black Canary informed the team. She turned back to the machine when it made a few beeping noises saying that it was complete. 


The team looked at the female hero and saw her staring at the machine in shock.

All of the sudden the doors of the medbay opened and Batman walked in despite Black Canary saying that he was going to arrive in 10 minutes not even a minute ago.

"What happened."

The team shrunk at the gruffness of his voice. It wasn't even a question, it was an order. An order that if they didn't comply in a minute, they will be skinned alive. Before Aqualad can answer though, Black Canary turned to look with him, anger and confusion burning in her eyes.

"Before that, can you explain to me why the readings are saying that Robin has superpowers?" Black Canary asked through gritted teeth.

To be continued... 


Hey guys! Sorry for the very very VERY late update! Being a senior high student sucks ;-; RIP MY SOUL AND LIFE (not that I had one anyways ._.) but if you guys are still reading this then THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! ILY! STAY POSITIVE GUYS! DONT BE LIKE ME!! HAHAHAHA...




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