Chapter 8

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The team felt like they were just going down a rabbit hole right now. Ever since their first mission in Gotham, it was like a whole new world was being revealed to them.

"What?" Artemis asked. Her hands fisted tightly by her hands, visibly shaking with suppressed anger. "What of Robin? You didn't leave his side once when he was injured in that mission a week ago! Don't you dare lie! I see the way you stare at him with love in your eyes!"

Artemis was furious. It was no secret that she had feelings for the redhead but knew that she stood no chance when Wally was practically a love stuck fool around the Boy Wonder despite him flirting with every girl he meets. She understood that Wally would never choose her when he could have the protege of Batman but to find out that he was already dating someone behind everyone's back?!

The team failed to see that Wally's ears turned red when she mentioned the way he stared at Robin. Dick smiled upon hearing this and looked like he wanted to laugh while Alfred stood behind the team, an amused look on his face.

"U-uh, Dick and I have been dating for almost a month now. We met while I was in civilian form while he was visiting Central Park with his father for a press conference in Star City. He found out my hero identity after a slip of mine," Wally explained. He looked at her with cautious eyes. "We've known for each other for four years now."

"And what Robin, huh?" the archer snapped back.

Wally seemed very cautious and uncomfortable with this if his hands weren't clasped in the thirteen-year old's hands, he would've been vibrating on the spot right now. Dick was looking at him with amusement in his eyes, the troll was most probably enjoying seeing him like a cornered animal that was about to be snacked on.

"Rob... I had a thing for Rob and I had a thing before but we never truly talked about it, we just kinda danced around it," the speedster confessed. "Uh, he knows that I'm in a relationship Dick but he didn't really wanna talk about it so we just acted like we normally do with each other."

Wally shifted in his seat uncomfortably while the team tried to process what he just revealed to them. They were shocked yet happy for their friend and teammate.

"Wait wait wait, you're telling me that you've been dating him for almost a year?" Artemis clarified. "But you've been flirting every girl you've seen since... ever!"

All of a sudden Dick started to cough which worried the team greatly but in reality, he was just trying to cover up his laughter.

"Don't worry about him flirting with others, I'm used to him doing that and I'm pretty sure he only flirts with them 'cause he feels awkward around them," the thirteen-year-old answered for his boyfriend.

"But enough about our relationship, you guys haven't introduced yourselves," the ebony teenager reminded them.

"Ah yes," Aqualad stepped up. "We are the co-op team that was sent by the Justice League to watch over you while they find the people who attacked you this morning. I am Aqualad, leader of the team, but you may refer to me as Kaldur."

"Nice to meet you! I'm Miss Martian but you can call me Miss M for short," Miss Martian greeted with a little jump and a big smile on her face.

"Superboy, no nicknames," Superboy said, folding his arms with over his chest. The team just sweatdropped at him but let him pass since he was always like this.

Artemis was about to speak up and introduce herself but Dick beat her to it.

"Artemis right?" the boy asked, his voice unsure but his facial expression said otherwise.

"H-How did you know?" said archer stuttered. She was definitely sure that she never saw the boy on the street and if they did, he wouldn't have noticed someone like her.

"Well I try to make it my job to know those who were chosen as candidates for my father's scholarship," he confessed.

"Scholarship? You didn't say that you got into a scholarship especially not here in Gotham," Miss Martian questioned. Artemis just looked confused, she never signed up for any scholarship.

"'Cause," the ebony answered for the blond. "She doesn't even know that she's part of the program since there will only one person who will be chosen."

Artemis just stared at him in shock. How did Bruce Wayne even know about her? She wasn't even part of any competitions or projects that were well known and didn't even attend any extra-curricular activities in her current school.

Before she can ask for more information on her could-be-scholarship, there was knocking on the door before it opened and a tall Caucasian man with an air of authority and power stepped into the room. The team only noticing now that Alfred had left them and Dick alone in the bedroom. The man's black hair was gelled back so that it didn't cover his face, his eyes were a dark shade of blue that made him look like a cold yet warm person. It was without a doubt the billionaire and richest man in Gotham and the father of the boy they were here to protect, Bruce Wayne.

"Mister Wayne, it is good to officially meet you," Kaldur said, tilting his head a bit downward in respect.

"It gives me comfort to know that there will be a group of heroes that will be here to protect my son while I am away," the billionaire greeted.

"If only I wasn't needed in STAR Labs I would stay here and help but unfortunately the Board of Directors deems it as an urgent matter, what's wrong? I have no clue," Bruce joked as he went around Dick's bed and sitting down on beside his foster son.

Dick laughed at this. "Yeah right. I'm pretty sure they just want you to not to bother since you will obviously be thinking of something else," he said sarcastically and knowing that Bruce was using that as a cover-up. His adoptive father would also most probably be setting up secret cameras around his room again while he was out looking for his attackers.

Bruce nodded with a small smile on his face, leave it to his ward to get shot but still be laughing and cracking jokes. The billionaire then turned to look at the redhead beside the thirteen-year-old.

Said redhead gulped at the intense glare that his boyfriend's father sent him. "Haha," he laughed nervously. "It's great to meet you again- not considering the circumstances of course! I'll protect him with my life!"

Wally looked like he was about to tear apart by a monster but looking at his expression, it looked like he would rather have willingly gone to the monster than be in the position he was in right now.

"I'm counting on that, Wallace," Bruce said, smiling. Though it was obvious that there was an underlying threat to their lives if something goes wrong, just like what Alfred did earlier. "Well, I'll be going now, I have to leave in ten minutes," he excused himself, standing up and walking towards the door. "I'll fetch Alfred to lead you to your designated rooms and I'm counting in all of you to keep my ward safe."

And with that, the billionaire left the room and the team waited awkwardly for the butler to arrive. 

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