11: Rollercoaster

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I woke up the next morning in my bed. Obviously. Hannah and Collins were watching tv while Devan was sitting at the bar, looking at his phone.
"What time is it?" I asked, getting up.
"Good morning sleepy head." Hannah said. "It's like 9."
"Oh." I made my bed, grabbed my clothes, and headed for the shower.
When everyone was finished getting clean, we heard Elijah's voice over a loudspeaker that none of us had spotted before.
"Yo Guys, breakfast is being served in like 20 minutes." And then he logged off.
"Wanna go for a walk before breakfast?" Devan asked.
"That's not such a bad idea."  Hannah said. "He has this garden area, right?"
"Yeah, I think it's in the backyard, where we saw the roller coaster. Let's go there. Maybe Daphne knows." I told them.
We all went to the lobby where we continently saw Daphne.
"Ô hi frens." She said, waving to us. She was wearing a black Dolan Twins hoodie.
"Do you know where the garden area is?" I asked
"I was just going there now. Follow me." Daphne led us outside the mansion and onto a path.
"Daphne, how do you know so much about Elijah's house?" Hannah asked.
"So you know how Elijah had a crush on me in 7th grade?"
"Yeah." I said. "Delijah."
"Well, he continued to have a crush on me and he invited me over to his house multiple times, so I came because why not. And I did a lot of exploring while I was here so I know my way around."
We reached the back of the mansion, when we saw that the roller coaster was in fact part of an entire amusement park.
"ELIJAH HAS AN AMUSEMENT PARK IN HIS BACKYARD?!?!" Hannah yelled, freaking out.
"I know. Crazy right?" Daphne said, putting her hands on her hips. "Welp, the gardens right this way. There's a gazebo in the middle where you can take pictures. I'd say we walk along the main path and go there."
"Why not?" Collins said.
We walked along the path, me and Devan holding hands while Hannah, Daphne, and Collins all gossiped about people they had seen at the reunion. We passed by many followers, trees, and even a lake. It was a beautiful day and the scenery made it even more beautiful. We finally reach the gazebo, where there was quite a line for pictures. Up now was Brayden and Buggy, taking a picture while they awkwardly held hands. Behind them was Kento and an old friend, Sally. Sally's twin brother Bon was no where to be seen. Behind them was Brian and Jaylen, then Arthur and Veronica, and then us.
"How are we gonna do this?" I asked.
"Well, you two can take a picture together." Hannah said, pointing to me and Devan. "And the three of us can take a picture together." Hannah said, pointing to the rest of them.
"You guys can carry me!" Collins suggested.
"Why not?" Daphne said, laughing.
When it was Veronica's turn, she looks at me and then gave Arthur a huge slobbery smooch on the lips as if she was trying to make me jealous. It didn't do anything but embarrass herself and Arthur.
Daphne, Hannah and Collins went up next, and the two girls struggled to lift Collins up. But they did it! And the result was hilarious. Collins put two thumbs up as the picture was being taken, and Daphne and Hannah couldn't stop laughing.
Devan and I were the last ones, so we went up next. Devan put his right arm around my back, and held my hands with his left hand. We looked at each other and smiled. Once the camera man took our photo, he quickly printed it out, places it in a frame, and handed it to us.
"Aww this is so cute!" Daphne said, looking at the photograph.
"Annabelle, you look fat." Hannah snickered.
"Wow, thanks bestie." I said, rolling my eyes.
"What are best friends for?"
"Well, I think she looks perfect." Devan said, smiling at me.
"Thanks." I replied, looking down at the photo. I did look a bit fat.
We made our way to the café area for breakfast, holding on to our precious photos. We sat down in the same place we sat last time, and looked over the menu. We all decided to get bagels because bagels are just so frikin good.
Our bagels came, and to be honest I was a bit disappointed.
"These are nothing like the bagels back in New York." I said, putting down my bagel.
"Anna, that's because we aren't in New York." Hannah said, taking sip of her orange juice.
"You're right. I guess it'll have to do." I tried to grab my coffee but then quickly pulled my hand away because it was too hot.
"What happened?" Daphne asked.
"The covfefe burnt me"
"Oof. That sucks."
Once breakfast was over, we decided to check out the amusement park, since Elijah said it was open. But before we even left the café, we were stopped by Tasfia.
"Hey bestieeeesss!!" She said, putting her arms around Daphne and me.
"Hey..." we said weakly.
"So. Do you want to see baby pictures I found of Cole Sprouse?" She asked, pulling out her iPhone 15.
"How about you go to the amusement park with your friends?" I told her. "Arin, Rahifah and Siya?"
"There's an amusement park?" Tasfia said, almost dropping her expensive phone. "I HAVE to go. Thanks for telling me!!" She skipped off towards her friends as we ran out of the building. We walked along the same path we had gone on to get to the garden, but this time instead of going to the garden, we turned and kept walking to the amusement park.
We got to the ticket booth, and the ticket man asked for our names. We signed in and let us go. At one of the food carts, we saw Kento ordering a bunch of food. Funnel cake, deep fried Oreos, hot dogs, soda, pizza, you name it. We walked past him, and he turned around holding all the food.
"Woah, Kento. You sure you got all that?" I asked, getting ready to catch any food if it fell.
"Shrek is my favorite anime." Kento said, looking at me from behind all the food.
Kento just nodded his head and walked off towards a picnic table where the twins, Bon and Sally were.
"Yeeaaahhh, he's insane." Hannah said, pointing at Kento.
We kept walking past food courts and gift shops until we reached a carousel.
"Wanna go on?" Daphne asked.
"OH MY GOSH YES I LOVE CAROUSELS!" Collins said, running into the empty line.
"Rule number one, never let Collins out of your sight when we're in an amusement park." Devan said. We all looked at each other for a bit, and then ran off after him.
Devan and I got onto two horses that were next to each other, with Collins sitting in front of us and Daphne and Hannah sitting behind us. It was surprisingly a lot of fun, which I didn't expect for a bit of a kiddy ride. Collins kept yelling and pretending like he was leading a bunch of spillers into war. The rest of us couldn't help but laugh at "General Omar".
We kept going on ride after ride after ride, until we made it to where we originally came for.
The roller coaster.
Seeing it in person made my mouth drop.
From our room, it looked like a simple rollercoaster. From here, it looked like a death trap.
"We. Are. Going. On." Collins said.
"Ummm, my stomach doesn't feel so well guys." I said, stepping away from the line.
"Aw, c'mon Anna. Don't be such a party pooper." Hannah said, pulling me back on the line.
"No, umm... I don't think we should go on."
"Don't worry, I'll keep you safe." Devan said.
"I HATE ROLLERCOASTERS, OK?!" I finally snapped, leaving everyone shook.
"Oh. I'm so sorry." Collins said, as if someone had died.
"It's fine. I'm just... afraid of heights and I cant stand being scared, and don't even get me started on leveraging off your seat."
"I'll sit next to you and hold onto you." Devan told me. "Just like at the movie."
I looked at Devan with my arms crossed, taking this offer into consideration.
"Fine. But I'm only going on once."
I went on 10 Times.
It was actually a lot of fun, and not as scary as I expected it to be. Especially with Devan by my side.
The rest of the day went like this:
We went back to the pool again, had lunch, watched another movie, played some party games, avoided Elijah and then had dinner.
It was now time to go home.
Back in our rooms, we packed up everything and made our beds.
"This was actually a lot of fun." I said to Hannah while we were waiting outside.
"Guys, you're welcome back to my house at any time. Mi casa es... uhhh..." Elijah turned to Zaire. "Yo, Z! How does it go again?"
Zaire whispered something in Elijah's ear.
"Mi casa le poo casa."
Zaire corrected him.
"Mi casa es su casa." Elijah said it as me caysa ess soo caysa.
"Good enough." Zaire mumbled.
We all piled into Hannah's car, and started the long ride home. It was a long day and I was very tired, so I fell asleep on Devan's shoulder like I had done yesterday.

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