8: Friday the 13th

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Btw I write this story alternating between my phone and my computer so that's why the format sometimes looks different.
If it looks different.
Does it look different?
(Annabelle's POV)
Devan and I stared into each other's eyes before being interrupted by none other than my bestie, Hannah.
"Wooo hooo!!! I KNEW it could happen!!" She said, jumping out of the bushes behind us.
"HANNAH?! What are you doing here?!" I asked, leaning over the bench.
"Ummm.... you didn't see me." Hannah quickly pulled her hoodie over her head and ducked back into the bushes. Just as she ducked down, Collins popped up, only to be pulled back down by Hannah.
"BOTH of you are here?!?!" I asked.
"No..." a voice said from the bushes, most likely Collins.
"Ugh." I sat back down in the seat and Devan laughed.
"I don't understand why you're so mad, Bella!"
Wait... did he just call me... Bella?
"W-what did you call me?" I asked, not looking up from a pigeon that had just landed in front of me.
"Annabelle, Annabelle. Sorry." Devan slouched down and joined me in looking at the pigeon. It was pretty amusing, if you've ever seen the way a pigeon walks. Their heads move back and forth and it can be hilarious, depending on what type of mood you're in.
"I'm hungry." Said a voice from the bushes.
"Wanna get Chipotle, Collins?" Devan asked, looking behind the bench.
"Omg yaaasssssss" Hannah said, jumping up and clapping her hands. Her hoodie had been tightened all the way, leaving just a bit of her forehead to be seen. Her hoodie strings were tied in a nice bow tie by where her eyes should be. Collins jumped up to join her, sporting the same style.
"I agree with Hannah. We should totally get Chipotle."
Once at Chipotle, we get our food and sit down.
"So, Hannah. Collins. Why were you following us?" I asked, putting a spoonful of guacamole in my mouth.
"The thing is..." Hannah started.
"WE SET YOU UP." Collins said.
Devan and I stared at Collins and Hannah in disbelief.
"You what?"
"Sorry..." Collins grabbed his hoodie strings and tightened his hoodie the same way he did before, and lay his head on the table, barley missing his food tray.
"What Collins means is that we were salty you two stopped talking so we tried to get you guys together by telling you to meet Collins at the park." Hannah clarifies.
"Wait... were you guys the ones who ran past us and into the bushes with your hoodies over your heads?" Devan asked, pointing his fork at them.
"Maybe..." Hannah said. She then proceeded to shove the rest of her taco into her mouth.
"You guys are terrible at hiding." I said.

The next day was June 13. It was also a Friday. I'm not very superstitious or anything, but one time in middle school on a Friday the 13th three kids were sent to the nurse because they scraped their knees, and almost everyone in my class failed their science tests.
I decided to visit Collins and Devan, because I realized that I had never seen their apartment. I ran the doorbell, and heard someone running up to the door. The slid on the wood floor with their socks, and then slammed into the door and fell down.
"IM OK!" Yelled the person on the other side. There was no one it could've been but Collins. He opened the door and seemed surprised to see me.
"Hey! I decided I'd come visit, because I've never seen your apartment."
"Oh, that's right! Well, I'm working on a YouTube video. Maybe you'd like to join?"
"Umm that depends. What are you doing?"
"Trying in girl products"
"Didn't you guys already do like 3 of those? Like a really long time ago?"
"Yeah, but now you're here so we can test female products with a female!"
Collins quickly showed me around the apartment. It had a similar layout to my apartment... but it was messier.
After we finished filming the video, Devan pulled me over and said he wanted to talk to me.
"Yeah? Is something wrong?" I asked, playing with my nails.
"No, nothings wrong. I just wanted to talk about yesterday."
"Yeah, when we..."
"Ooh, yesterday."
"Yeah when we, ya know..."
"Yeah we umm..."
"AUAGAGAHAH!!!" Collins said from the living room.
"We should probably go check on Collins." Devan suggested.
"Yes I very much agree."
We run into the living room to see what's bothering Collins.
"What's wrong, bro?" Devan asks. It makes me cringe a little.
"The stupid video won't upload." He said, frustrated.
"Watch yo profanity." I whispered.
"Sorry about that. I'm just really frustrated." Collins said with a sigh.
"Wait," I asked. "Don't you upload videos on Saturdays?"
"Oh yeah. I've been so distracted lately. I don't know what's wrong with me."
"Maybe it's not you." Devan said, putting his hand on his chin.
"What do you mean?" Collins asked, looking up from his computer.
"Today's Friday the 13th," Devan said, showing us the calendar in his phone.
"Aw, c'mon. You know that has nothing to do with it." Collins said.
All of a sudden, the door burst open and in cams Hannah, crying.
"Hannah? Are you ok? How'd you get in? I thought I locked the door." Collins said.
"My boyfriend broke up with me!!" Hannah said, wiping her eyes with her stretched out sleeve.
"Oh. It's ok. He didn't deserve you if he decided to break up with you." Collins hugged Hannah and they sat down on the cough as he petted her head awkwardly.
"Wait, you have-er, had-a boyfriend? How did I not know about this I thought I'm your best friend!" I asked, sitting down next to Hannah.
"You are my best friend. And... he wasn't really my boyfriend. He was this guy I met at a club a while ago. I kept texting him and today he told me to shut up, stop talking on him, I'm creepy, he doesn't know who I am, and he's blocking me. WE SHARED LIKE 10 SHOTS OF TEQUILA AND HAD LIKE 5 MAKE OUT SESSIONS!!" Hannah explained.
"Aw, Hannah..." I said, putting my hand on her lap. "You were probably drunk."
"Don't be silly, now Annabelle. It's a very terrible thing for someone to call another person creepy and block them when all they wanted to do was talk." Collins said, defending Hannah.
Devan and I both looked at each other with I ship it in our eyes.
"How about we all eat lunch together?" Devan suggested.
"I can't. I have work today." Hannah said.
"How about dinner?"
"Yeah, dinner should be fine."
"Same with me." I said.
Hannah's phone dinged and she looked at me.
""Seriously?!?! My Nigerian Prince turned out to be a scam!! Good thing I thought he was too creepy and blocked him before I gave him any actual money." Hannah put her phone in her pocket. "Welp, gotta go to work." Hannah left, and Devan started thinking.
"This is very strange. First, our YouTube video wouldn't upload, next Hannah's 'boyfriend' breaks up with her, and then her Nigerian Prince turns out to be a scam!"
"And you two can't figure out what to do with each other." Collins says as he opened up his laptop again. Devan and I looked at each other and blushed.
"That's not the point." Devan said, closing Collins laptop again. "The point is, why are all these bad stuff happening to us today?"
"OOF!!" The brothers turned to see me on the floor, tears forming in my eyes.
"ANNABELLE, ARE YOU OK?!" Devan said, rushing to my side?
"Yeah, I'm fine. I don't know what happened. One point I'm standing up, perfectly fine, and then all of a sudden I fall on top of my leg."
"THE BAD LUCK IS GETTING TO US! Devan said, freaking out.
"DEVAN CALM DOWN!! THERE IS NO BAD LUCK!!" Collins said, putting his hands on Devan's shoulder and shaking him.
"Then how do you explain all this bad stuff thats's been happening?"
"Collins' right. It's probably just a coincidence." I said, getting up.
"Probably. But it could also be because it's FRIDAY THE 13th!!!"
"Whatever." Collins said.
As the day went on, I was staring to think that Devan was right about the WHOLE Friday the 13th thing.
First, I didn't have enough cash to buy bagels and I had left my credit card at home,
Second, a bird pooped on me and Devan as we were holding hands and strolling in the park,
Third, I was getting dirty looks from Devans fans that we had run into in the park,
Fourth, I fell down and ripped my favorite shirt,
And fifth they ran out of guac at Chipotle!!!
Soon enough, it was time for dinner. We were all so tired of getting bad luck that we decided to just order pizza.
"How was work, Hannah?" Collins asked.
"Terrible. I didn't even get to work." Hannah said, picking at her pizza crust.
"What?! Why not?" I asked.
"Our train got stuck for like 5 hours. And on top of that this guy held us hostage in the train car the whole time. HE TOOK ALL MY MONEY!!"
"What?! Hannah, we need to call the police!!" Collins said, grabbing his phone.
"It's fine. I only had $1 in there."
"Oh." Collins put down his phone.
"Awww.... Collins it's so cute how you're looking out for Hannah. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you have a crush on her." I said, elbowing Collins.
"Same with you, Hannah." Devan said.
Both Hannah and Collins made vomiting noises as they presented to vomit on us.
"Nononononononononononononononono." Hannah said.
"We're just friends." Collins said.
"Really good friends."
"Our number one goal is to work together to get you two together."
Devan and I looked at each other, and slowly started to lean in when the doorbell rang.
"Ugh." Hannah said. It was almost as if she were reading a book about two people who she really really wanted to be together but they like never were.
"Who could that be?" Collins said. He got up and answered the door.
"Oh, hello!"

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