Untitled Part 7

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On Sunday, me and Cheryl were talking about what we were going to do after graduation. Then I had a sudden wild thought. "Do you wanna get a puppy? Before graduation?" I asked her excitedly. "I think it's a great idea, but it will have to be small. And having a puppy or a dog is a huge responsibility." She said. "I have looked after a dog before. So I mostly know what I'm doing." I told her. She smiled at me and I walked over to her and sat on her lap. "And I will teach you everything I know." I promised her and kissed her lightly on the head and she wrapped her hands around my waist and hugged me. I got my laptop and started researching small inside dog breeders. We came across a really cute dog. She is a Chihuahua. She was the one. We got in contact with the current owner and we asked if we could possibly meet her. She agreed and we made a date.

Cheryl was really excited and I was too. We texted the girls and we were going to tell them at Pop's. We drove on the motorcycle and we got off and walked into Pop's. We saw the girls and walked over to them. "Hey girls we have great news." Cheryl said. "What is it?" Betty asked and smiled. "We are getting a puppy." I told them excitedly. They both smiled. "Really? That's so cool. I want a puppy now." Betty said. We talked about it for a while and then we had to go home.

A few days later: 

"Cherry come on we have to go and meet the puppy!" I called out to her. "Coming now!" She replied and walked into the room. As usual, she looked flawless. We got into her car and she drove to where wh needed to go. We finally arrived at the house. We rang the doorbell and the lady answered the door. "Hey I'm Chloe. You're here for the puppy right?" She asked. "Yes we are."  Cheryl replied. "Come in I will introduce you to her. Her current name is Cookie, but you can change it if you want to." She told us. "No way. That name is way too cute to change." I smiled. We walked into the room and we set our eyes on her and we both instantly fell in love. She put her head to the side and walked up to us and I sat down cross legged and she sniffed my hand then she started licking me. Cheryl grinned and sat down next to me and the puppy walked over to her and sat in front of her. Cheryl put out her hand and the puppy licked her. We looked at each other and we knew. She was the perfect one. We signed some forms so we can take her home with us. Chloe even gave us a bed and a bit of food until we can buy the rest. I carried her out to the car and Cookie sat on my lap on the drive home. When we arrived Veronica, Betty and Jughead were waiting. "We wanted to meet her so much." Betty told me excitedly. Cheryl got out of the car with a sleeping Cookie in her arms. We all walked up to them and the puppy woke up. She got really excited about meeting new people. We walked inside and put her on the couch. She jumped off and ran around. She is so sweet she already loves Betty. I went and got the stuff out of the car and took it inside. I put her bed next to the couch and she walked up to it and dropped down in exhaustion. We all giggled and she snored softly. We smiled at her and started talking about throwing a party at Veronica's. We were all really excited about it and I couldn't wait.

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