Untitled Part 8

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A few months later. It is the day before Cheryl's birthday and I want to do something special for her.

I was cuddled up on the couch with cookie and Cheryl when my phone buzzed.

Sweet pea: Hey Toni. Can we meet at the back of what once used to be Southside high?

Toni: of course! I'll be there soon. Can I bring Cookie?

Sweet pea: ok fine just come.

I put my phone down and I picked up Cookie and I left a note to Cheryl telling her where I was going. Then I got outside and drove the car. That's right a car. To meet sweet pea. When I arrived I got out of the car and I walked around the back and sweet pea and fangs were waiting with some other serpents. "Hey guys, what's up?" I asked and the greeted me with a smile. "We wanted to catch up and see how everything is." Fangs replied. "Well everything is great! I have Cookie now. And Cheryl." I added. Then I saw my best friends Apart from fangs and sweet pea come to the front. "Hey Maya, hey Riley." I say and they grin at me. "Hey Toni! How are you? Can I pat your dog?" Riley asked I giggled at her bubbly personality. "I'm great and of course you can pat Cookie." She smiled and walked up to the dog. Cookie rolled on to her back so Riley could pat her belly. Maya walked up and hugged me. "I missed you. Why did you leave for so long?" She asked. "I had to. My girlfriend was locked in an abusive gay conversion therapy place. You would have done the same for me or Riley." She nodded. "You should meet her sometime. She is really sweet once you get to know her." I told them both and they agreed. "I'm having a party at mine tomorrow night for Cheryl's birthday wanna come?" I asked the serpents and they all agreed. "She is awesome once you get to know her." I promised. "Great I will see you all then. Sweet pea, fangs wanna come back with me for a bit?" I asked and they nodded. We went to the car and we drove back to my place. I opened the door and Cheryl pretty much tackled me to the ground. "Easy there killer." I joked. "Hey Cheryl." Fangs and Sweet pea said. "Hey guys how are you?" Cheryl asked and the boys smiled. After the past week they had been coming over quite a bit and they had really gotten to know Cheryl. "Great. Just saying your girlfriend is throwing a party here tomorrow night so get ready to meet some new people! Yay socialising!" He said sarcastically. "Shut up Jughead." I spat. But we all know that it's a joke. "It was meant to be a surprise but sweet pea just ruined it." I was a bit upset but Cheryl laughed and that always makes me feel better. I only just realised that I was still on the floor. Cheryl went to have a shower and I talked to Fangs and sweet pea about what I  am getting her for her birthday. "I was thinking a motorcycle." I suggested. "All The serpents can pitch in."  Fangs was getting excited. "I think it's a great idea." Sweet pea said excitedly. "Can I invite a few of the Northside girls?" I asked and they both nodded. "And Kevin." Fangs added and I smirked. "Your boyfriend coming?" I teased. He blushed and I laughed. "Cheryl is like a sister to both of us now. We want her to be happy." Cheryl was standing behind him. "Thanks Sweet pea." Cheryl said. "You heard that?" He asked and She nodded. "We do want you to be happy Cher." Fangs said. We all smiled and I went to the fridge and got out two beers and two bottles of lemonade. We had a great afternoon.

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