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Hey guys, this will be the last A/N for a while. (And I mean it this time.) anyway I have to get a lot out of the way. If you couldn't already guess, I'm BI. And it's really hard because I have a crush on one of my older sister's best friends who is a girl. I told my mum that I am bi and she just thinks it's a phase, but can a phase go on for six years? It's really hard for me, but when I told my cousin who is also gay, He promised that he was always going to be here for me, I can't thank him enough. It has been hard because I didn't and still don't understand my feelings and being in love with your older sister's best friend is hella hard. I have literally wanted to just die lately and I'm done with pretending to be someone I'm not, love is love, I can't control who and what I fall for. I need support and I know I don't even know any of you, but you guys are all choni fans. Which is awesome might I add. The season finale the sexual tension between them was extreme. Anyway, I have started a new Choni fanfic and it is actually choni this time. It's called all the stars. I hope you like it.

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