Untitled Part 36

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Me and Cheryl are watching TV and she hasn't been the same since Nanna Rose passed away. Like she still eats and sometimes laughs but most of the time she is distant. I remembered the conversation we had the morning we found out about Nanna Rose. "Cheryl can I ask you something?" I asked. "You just did." She teased. I rolled my eyes playfully and kissed her forehead. "Haha, so funny. It's about us having a baby." I said and she looked serious now. "I think I'm ready for it if you are." I said. "Do you think, or know? Because it's a huge responsibility and once you're in, you're in, no backing out." She said. "I am ready. But we have to graduate first. And then we have to look for a sperm donor." I replied. "Who will carry the baby?" She asked. "No offence but I could probably handle pregnancy better than you." I said. "Why's That?" She asked. "Because, I have looked after one of my friends when She was pregnant a few years ago. I know what it's like to go through and I don't want to see you that sick." I replied. "Awww." She exclaimed. "And about their sperm donor, I think that it should be Jason." Cheryl said. "You talk to him and Polly. I'm sure he won't mind but I don't like talking to him about this stuff." I said. "Sure. And we have to organise Nanna Rose's funeral." She said and I wrapped my arms around her. "I know." I whispered and kissed her softly. "It's so quiet in here since the most of the dogs left." She remarked. "Yeah it has. Cookie! Yoshi! C'mere! I called and they walked over to us and jumped on the couch.  "This is our family, for now." I said and she smiled. "Can we watch a fun movie please?" She asked. "Not pitch perfect." She added. "Have you seen Mamma Mia yet?" I asked and she shook her head. I mocked offence. "How rude! That is very disrespectful young lady." I said. "What are you gonna Do about it?" She asked and moved closer to me. "Punish you." I said and I moved closer. "How?" She asked And we were a few inches apart. I smiled and she leaned in but before she could kiss me I moved away. "Let's watch the movie shall we?" I got up and got the remote. "Hey! That's not fair." She protested. "I said I was going to punish you did I not?" I asked. "Asshole." She replied. "Don't be a smart ass. You're just an ass." I said and she got up and started walking towards me. "Rude." She smirked. "If you're about to do a striptease I suggest waiting until we have finished the movie." I remarked. "Idiot. Of course I'm not. I am not my mother." She said. "I know you're not. You are Cheryl. The hotter, kinder and sexier one." I said. She slow clapped. "Well done! You do pay attention sometimes." She said. "Alright, that's enough!"  I yelled and I ran towards her and started tickling her and She started laughing. "No... Toni.. Stop!" She could barely speak because of her laughing. I stopped tickling her. She kissed me lightly and I smiled. "Have I ever told you that you are the best kisser ever?" I asked. "Thanks baby! I know I am. You're ok, I guess." She replied. I rolled my eyes and I kissed her again. She deepened it and I pushed her against the wall. I pulled Apart. "I think the movie can wait." I whispered. "Couldn't agree more." She replied. I dragged her into our room and she pushed me onto the bed. I took off my jacket and Cheryl jumped on the bed and kissed me. We were making out and she rolled on top of me and pinned my arms to the bed. After a while, I pulled apart. "You know I'm always here for you, right?" I asked. "What?" She replied. "Just know that the serpents and I will always be your family." I answered. "Why are you getting so sentimental all of a sudden?" She asked. "I don't know. I'll stop now." I said and she smiled. "Oh please! I am trying to create a vibe here and it's definitely not sweet." She remarked. I chuckled and kissed her again. Then she started kissing down my neck. I quickly rolled her over so that I was on top of her." I kissed he neck softly and sucked her weak spot. Her hips bucked against me. Then the doorbell rang. "My god!" She yelled. We got our shirts back on and I went to answer the door. I tried to be calm but I was still slightly turned on so it was difficult, but I managed. It was Betty, Josie and Ronnie. "Hey guys! What's up?" I asked. "Hey Toni! Did we interrupt something?" Betty asked. "No, why would you think that?" I asked. "Girl, go fix you hair, we can wait with Cookie and Yoshi." Josie said amused. I ran into my room and fixed myself up. I walked back out and acted normal. "Pop's?" Betty asked. "Definitely." I replied and we all laughed.

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