Chapter 19: X-Factor

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As i turned around i saw Jai, laying in bed next to me. Nothing happened or anything. He just gave me a place to stay for awhile. He turned around and faced me too. I smiled as i ran my fingers through his hair. He was so cute.

"Shit, the time" I said as i got out of bed and ran into the bathroom. I had to get ready for the show.

I got into the shower, i washed my hair so it would look better, i got out of the shower and dried myself off with a towel. I put on my really pretty dress, it was pink and black. It was actually really hot. I straightened my hair, I put on some make up. I twirled around infront of the mirror a couple of times to make sure the dress was a good choice. It was a really really good choice.

I came out and Jai was half dressed. I screamed and turned around. He just laughed at me.

"Rhiannon, dont pretend like this hasnt happened before" Jai laughed, as i did too. I smiled and turned back around.

"Shit, you look amazing" Jai said as he came walking over to me. I smiled. I walked closer to Jai.

"I wish I could kiss you right now Rhi" Jai said when our noses were basically touching. I put my arms around Jai's neck and pulled him close, I crashed my lips onto his. But he just pushed me away.

"Rhiannon, I cant" Jai said sitting down on the bed with his head in his hands.

"Why?" I asked him. I cant cry because then all my make up would rub off.

"Because I dont want you! I dont love you, i dont like you, im just trying to be nice" Jai said. I just stood there, i had no words. I was speachless. I got all my stuff and walked out of his hotel room and slammed the door shut.


I felt so bad, but i didnt mean it. I had to do it, because, Jack sent me a threat message, that if i tried anything that i would regret it, because Jack still wants Rhiannon. But that doesnt mean i wont ever stop loving her. I just need to tell Jack in person to shut up, and leave her alone.


I called a taxi, i waited outside. I was crying inside, but on the outside, i looked fine, i looked strong, fighting back the tears. The taxi arrived in about 15 minutes, they started driving to the X-Factor where boot camp is. I got out of the taxi paying the driver. I got inside and all the contestents were there. Jai was there too.

They started to split us up into groups. I got into a all girls category as Jai as our mentor. I saw Jack waiting outside, probably for me.

Our category got called and then we had to go and perform to the judges, i said i would go first to get it out of the way, i walked onto the stage with some sass.

My music started, as i started singing the words, with soul and passion. The music finished sooner than i thought. They thanked me as i walked off the stage.

As everyone had finished they said we would be notified if we made it to the next stage of the show. I walked away and outside. I saw Jai and Jack talking, i sneaked up. I started over hearing them.

"Stop controlling me, with your stupid threats, I love Rhiannon more than you ever did. Stop making me hurt her" Jai said with hope.

"This isnt about her anymore, I just want to see you suffer, I always hated you" Jack said walking away.

As Jai walked over the nearest bench, i sat down next to him.

"I heard" I said breaking the tension.

"You were really good rhiannon" Jai said facing me.

"I love you Jai, your my whole world, and I just love you" I said with tears, Jai whipped them away, he crashed his lips onto mine. I moved onto his lap as he put his arms around my waist.

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