Chapter 20: Bye bye.

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As i woke up I heard yelling and screaming. It was dad and his bitch of a wife. I pretended like i couldnt hear them. But it seemed really bad, like i heard them breaking stuff. If i went down they would probably break me. As i drifted back off to sleep, i heard my dad burst into my room, he started packing all my stuff.

"Get up, we're leaving, we're moving to Miami" My dad announced.

"Why" I groaned fakely.

"Because we have to, you have 2 hours to go and say bye to everyone and then we are out of here" My dad yelled and walked out of my room with my packed suticase.

Once he left I got out of bed and put some comfortable clothes on. I packed my handbag with my phone and the song book and my money and everything. I put some shoes on and left out the front door. I called Jai to meet me at the park.

I ran over to Jai as soon as I saw him. I just hugged him. He rubbed my back. Tears came down my cheeks as he whiped them away.

"Jai, im leaving, im moving in 2 hours" I said to him. He just lifted my head up, and kissed me. I kissed him back but then pulled away.

"Im moving to Miami, for good. Jai please do one thing for me, find me in 10 years, just find me in 10 years, ill be in Miami, make sure you find me" I said to him before kissing him once more and then leaving.

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