Chap. 2: Here We Go.

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Ok so a quick overview. I have decided to keep writing because I feel it is fun, conforting, funny, and it gives the excuse of being on my phone or laptop all day. But anyways right now Alexis is in the office waiting to talk to the principal about her punching the "school thot" in the face. I hoped for those who did read the whole thing enjoyed it. But I'm keeping yall from the drama. Let's continue. -------------->

I swear teachers are so stupid. Asking the same questions. "Why are you in here?", "Are you ok hunny?", "Are you sure?" Then it's those people who work at the front desk in the main office mumbling crap talking about, "What the hell you do this time?", "I swear yall kids these days just don't get the rules." Or just a "I don't even care why you're here just shut up and wait for the principal." So I did what I was told, and waited for the principal quietly. Then come in Ms. Jenkins the school's guidence tutor. She sats down next to me and I just know that she is about to start asking me questions. But after we sit there in silence for a while I start to think she isn't going to stay anything when boom.

"So how is it going?" She asked me.

"How is what? Sitting down in this chair? Or not being able to talk? Or are you talking about the  teachers coming in my face just staring at me like they trynna figure out where I got dropped on my head when I was kid?" I asked with a smart tone.

"Look," She started. "I didn't mean to make it sound or look as bad as it is. I also didn't mean to stare at you for that long. I was just trying to figure out why everyone calls you the bad guy but when I just tried to talk to you the first time, all I see was the twinkle in your eyes. I really don't see evil. So what ticked you off so soon in the agrument?"

I thought to myself, No wonder she ain't got no man. All she do is talk her jaws off about how everything is all candy apples and lollipops. Life ain't as sweet as she talks about, And I hope she don't think that I would even waste my time talking to her just because she complimented my eyes. The last one was a opp. I explained everything and that thot told. But I don't trust none of them now. I stopped thinking and just decided to answer. "Well, all those people who calling me the bad guys gotta be the teachers. Because every student knows what really happened but they also know not to snitch. On nobody, including them thots we don't like. And I understand you want me to open up but - " I was cut off by the principal's office door.

Mrs. Miller, the principal called me in. Uh-Oh.

*In the principal's office.*

"So, I heard you wanted to fight in my school today. Your usually a nice respectful girl. But this is not your first conflict with Lisa so something is clearly up with your ladies. I don't want a single sob story. I want you to explain it like it was and I want you to tell the whole truth as if this was a court room." She demanded.

I took no time starting to explain it. I'm not scared of Mrs Miller, but she is hardcore. After I explained everything to her, she just shook her head. Didn't say a word, just simply shook her head. Then, after about a minute of silence, she called someone into her office using her pink radio.The door opened. Who was it? Lisa. She slowly walked into her chair and continued to hold the icepack onto her lip. I'm not even gone lie, it was kinda swollen.

Mrs. Miller started to speak. "You two beautiful ladies. Fighting. In my school. Wanna know something? I think I'm more ashamed about the fact that it was two beautiful young women fighting, rather than the fact that it was so petty and it was still fighting in my school. But I'm just being honest. Let's not confuse this with feeling sorry or having no punishment. This is tough love. So if you ladies make up and serve some afterschool and lunch detentions then you don't have to worry about your parents being called or suspension." She paused for a moment to let that all sink in. "Now, if for one reason one of you girls don't want to do this...I got you. So, I'm going to have the ladies in the main office write notes back to class and by the end of the day I need answers. But in the mean time, you will still have a lunch detentions." She finished.

We all just sat there before Mrs. Miller had us both go to class.

*Back In Class*

Everybody was still talking about it. Describing it as a fight. But I  think I just knocked her shit and she was too scared to fight back. But whatever. "I'm just glad Ms. Miller love me because if I got suspended for this, I wouldnt be able to go to the party. And I NEED to go." I said. Nicole started laughing but I was serious. But I guess that bell was too because that's what cme ringing in my ear right after I said that. Next up? Lunch.

*At The Detention Table*

So at the detention table it was me, Lisa, 3 other dudes, and some chick from my science class. Detention is easy. All you have to do is wait to get your food after the people in your lunchroom eat. But there's always enough. So now, just sit and wait.I don't want nothing but donuts anyways. But the rest of the day went by smooth.

-End of the Day-  *Just got out the car with Nicole / Heading in the house*

So Nicole and I are going to get ready for the party tonight, It's ok to miss cheerleading for just a day. So I go get into the shower near my room and she goes to the one downstairs. When I get out I put on my gold and black camo skinnies, my black crop top that has "dope" on it in gold, and my Timbs. I went downstairs to check on Nicole. She was already dressed, she had on a turquoise studded crop top, white ripped jeans, and her jordan aquas. We snapped. I cut off all the lights, grabbed my stuff, and we left.

*In The Car*

Brokonese by Migos came on. Nicole turned the system all the way up. "EVERYTIME WE SEE YOU YOU GET BROKER AND BROKER! EVERYTIME YOU SEE US WE GET RICHER AND RICHER!" She tried to yell above the music. Then she continued while she was moving her hands. "YOU SPEAK BROKONESE LIKE CAN I HAVE A DOLLAR PLEASE?" I had to put that on snapchat. I was dead. And in about another five minutes we were there. Just from outside you can tell it was crazyyy and out of control. We will see!

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