Coming for the crown

612 38 9

Raegan p.o.v

Justin Blake

Justin Blake

Justin Blake

Justin Blake is all you here people taking about as I walk down the halls of my school

"Hey rae did you hear about the new kid, Justin Blake" Melissa said coming up next to me

"Yea hes been telling people hes coming for you crown, Mr.King of the school" Marcus said playfully nudging me

"I'd like to see his bitch ass try" I say as we walk

"Well he has 1st with us so we will see" Melissa says

"And how did you know that" I ask looking at her

"Ummm people talk" she says fake smiling at he end

"Your creepy Mel" Marcus says

"Anyyyywayyyy so Rae you gonna fight him?" Mel says excited

"Bro Ill record it!" Marcus says

"No I'm not gonna fight him" I say with a slight laugh "He's probably some skinny little white boy who go 100 followers on Insta and let the followers and the daddy comments get to his head"

"We'll see" Mel says "dont get salty if in 1st all the eyes aren't on you"

"Oh please people cant take their eyes off me" I say as we walk into class

Same thing everyday, teacher take attendance, gives out some random ass worksheet then plays cards on her computer.

I was in my usual spot. In the middle of the class with everyone around me laughing, talking, and looking at me. Then suddenly all eyes went from me to behind me and with the click of the door everyone was staring at himmmm.

There he was, the boy everyone was waiting to arrive, Justin Blake. What was the big deal, wow another white boy with black ripped jeans and a red shirt. You wanna look at a boy with a lip piercing  and thick black glasses walk down the hall during passing period, there's tons of them. Okay yea he had really nice green eyes and a good smile but thats all.

I turned back to see all the girl practically drooling over him and all the guys giving him an intimidating look. God whats the big deal with him.

"Class welcome our new student Justin" Ms.Molly says. A quietly 'hi' rings in the class as everyone still stares

"Who would like to give Mr.Blake a tour of the school" she says

I turn back and everyone in the class in raising there hand, gosh people gets your self together

"Raegan" she says, I spin quickly around "Why dont you show him around"

Everyone slowly lowers their hands and looks a me. Why me!? I wasn't raising my hand, I dont wanna show him around

I get up and walk towards the front. He looks at me and smirks, he knows who I am and he knows I know who he is.

"You guys have fun" Ms.Molly says handing me his schedule and showing us out the door

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