Back out

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Justin p.o.v

I go back into the restaurant "everything okay?" Raegan ask as I sit down

"Yea just needed a little air" i say faking a smile.

The rest of the night goes on with his hand on my thigh as he looks at the waitress up and down and bits his lip at her.  Can't do this anymore.


"Thanks" i say to Mel as she drops Rae and I off at my house

"Tonight was fun" He says as we step onto my front porch

"Yea it was" I say

"Hey whats wrong" he asks

"Nothing" I say faking a smile

"You've been off since dinner" he says pulling me closer

I put my hand on his chest as his hands rest on my hips. I smile "I'm fine really"

"Justin, you can tell me" he says pulling me closer to our hips are touching

"I know" I say "I just don't know If I want to"

"Why not" he asks confused

"Goodnight" I say turing to leave

"Wait Justin" he says pulling me back. He picks me up and sits me on the thick wood railing from the porch. He stands between my legs and holds my hips

"Raegan" I say looking down

"Whats wrong" he says "you can trust me" he says putting his finger under my chin making me look at him

"I know i can" I say

"Then tell me" he says

"I want out of the bet" I say suddenly

He is taken back "why" he asks confused

"Cause I want out. I dont care anymore you can be king of the school since it means so much to you" I say

"This isn't just about the bet is it?" he says

"No its not Rae. I tried I tried so hard and even though its only been a couple days I can't do this anymore" I say wanting to cry

"Do what anymore" he asks

"This" i say picking up his arms from my hips "I cant do this. And I wish I could tell you how I feel. I want to tell you so bad but I know it wont go anywhere. Your not gonna risk everything you've built and I'm cant do this anymore"  I say as a tear falls down my face

"Justin please dont do this" he says as his voice cracks, I dont look at him "Justin" he says moving my chin with his pointer finger

"The bets off." I say "Goodbye Rae" I say wiping a tear from his cheek

"I thought you were different" he says stepping back "I though you were special" he walks off the porch and into the darkness

Hi love you dont be mad

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