Congrats, now leave

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Justin p.o.v

"Raegan beast!" He screams and the crowd goes off. Raegan is pulled up onto the table and a dollar stare crown is placed on his head "anything to say"

"I would just like to thank Justin" he paused and I watched his eyes move from me to everyone in the party "for being a bitcccchhh" the crowd screams and cheers

I look at him at he looks back at me. He gives me sorry eyes. I hold back the tears and I turn and walk out of the party. "Bitch" I hear people yell at me as I run out.

Not mad that I didn't win, but mad about the way he acted.

"Justin" I hear him yell as I walk down the street "justin" he says again reaching for my hand

I yank my hand back "what Raegan. Congrats you won and the whole school thinks I'm a little bitch. Congrats now leave" I say and turn to leave

"Justin I'm sorry I don't know what I was thinking" he says taking a breath "I don't know what happened"

" I know exactly what happen. You got in front of a crowd the Reagan who was apologizing and wanted our friendship back left. The Raegan who rubbed my thigh and wanted to do everything together left and was replaced with this dick head who I don't wanna see." I say and he looks back at me

"Justin I'm sorry. I want you back. I want us back. I want our friendship back" he says

"I can't take our friendship back" I say

"Justin" he says stepping closer

"I can't do this" I say turning to walk away

"I'm in love with you" he says suddenly

"What" I say Turing back to him

"I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe I was gay and that's why I did what I did at the diner.  I didn't want to love you but I did." He says

I started to get angry "So you call me a bitch in front of the whole school to show me!?"

"Justin I'm-"

"im sorry that you can't except the fact that our maybe gay or bi at tops but you don't have to take it out on me" I take a breath "you need to realize what you say sticks Mr. King of the school"

"It was a mistake" he says, lowering his his head and stepping towards me, I want to pull him into a big hug but I stand my ground

"No" I say knowing that I'm going to regret what I'm about to say "This was a mistake"

"Justin" he says in a low sad voice

"This all was a mistake" I say then walk past him

Raegan p.o.v

My heart stung and hands were buzzing from the numb ness.

What did I just do

King of the SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now