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I just want to say thank you to toxic_jaegan for being such an amazing friend. She is always so nice and sweet and I love her so much. I'm sorry that I've been pushing you away recently due to my own crap. I love you and I want things to go back to how they were when we first became friends because i is you like crazzzzzyy. I love you bitch and please dont drop me as a friend.

Raegan p.o.v

It's been almost three weeks since everything happened with Justin and I. I'm not gonna lie its been really hard. Everyone still believes we have beef do to the king of the school vote coming up soon. I see him almost everyday and everywhere. At parties,games,school events, everything. Its been hard not to run up to him and yell 'love me' at him.

I still don't understand what happened between us completely but I hope he will come around.

"You ready" MArcus says patting my back, knocking me out of my thoughts.

"For what exactly" I ask confused

"The party tonight. Vote takes place after" He says as we begin to walk

"Oh right that's tonight" I say dreading tonight

"Why so bummed? Tonight is the night" he says

"I know I know I'm just tired" I say hoping he will just drop it

"Whatever you say" he says patting my back


"Aye!" People yell as I walk into the party

I walk through the Crowd of already drunk people. I find the liquor and mix a bunch if crap together that shouldn't be put together and down it. As i scrunch my face from the burning of random liquor I look up and see Justin.

He laughs as he walks in with Mel, who he has gotten really close to. He looks up and we make eye contact for a second until Mel pulls him towards the dance floor.

I put my cup down and and head over to him.

The dance floor is full of two types of people: the hella drunk people grinding on each other or the awkward couple who slow dances to Cardi B.

I walk over to see Justin dancing with Mel. He looks so happy, dancing and laughing. I dont want to ruin this night for him but I can't stand Not being together, even if its just as friends.

I suck it up and walk towards him. "Can I talk to you". I say putting my hand on his arm as I'm pushed by people wanting me to join in on the grind fest.

"Raegan I-" he says

"Please" I say begging him

"Raegan he doesnt have to If he doesnt want to, you hurt him" Mel says stepping in between us

"And I'm trying to fix it" I say looking at her then back at Justin

"Ill be back Mel" He says grabbing my hand and coming with me

I bring him to the front of the house were all the cars are so its not Laois and crowed

"Hey" i say

"Hey" he says

"Listen I just-" I begin

"Rae I told you I cant do this anymore, we aren't meant to be friends" he takes a pause "we cant be friends"

"Why not!" I say a little loud

"Because you cant be friends with someone your in love with!" He yells "I just cant do it" he says quieter

"Justin" I say walking towards him "you're in love with me" i say putting my hands on his hips and pulling him close

"Yes rae" he says putting a hand on my chest

"Wow"i say smiling

"Yea so go run to everyone and tell them I'm gay so I'm out of the race." He says "you win rae"

"Who said I wanted to win" I ask

"You did, many times" He says back

"Not if That means losing you" i say looking at him

"If only you meant that" He says then slips out of my arms

I stand there for a second until I hear my name

"What" I say turing to see who it is

"It's time bro, there counting the votes" Marcus says motioning me to come inside

I walk inside to see the lights on and people standing around the coffee table in the middle of the room

"Aye everybodddyyyy" a dude from school yells as he jumps on the coffee table "tonight is the night. We find out who the real king of the school is"

A loud cheer comes from the crowd "now where they at" he yells and them I'm pushed to the middle. Justin gets there as I do and we stand awkwardly next to each other.

"Now he we go" He says as he starts to open a envelope, pretending that its a game show. "and the King of West Field High isssss"

Y'all who do you want to win. JAy or Rae

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