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Justin p.o.v

"I think that if you're gonna say it's good, you should eat it" Mel says as we sit at our both

"Maybe it was roofied" Marcus says

"You think!?" Mel says

"I doubt the costco sample people would roofie anyone" I say

"You never know" RAegan says

I smile at him and we continue to talk and laugh.

"Ill have it right out" the waiter says as he take our menus

Then all of a sudden I feel a hand on my thigh. I look over to see Raegan smiling and talking to Marcus. I wasn't gonna complain so I starts to talk to Mel.

"I dont think so" I say pushing the salt away

"Come on we all have to do it" RAegan says slightly squeezing my thigh

"Fine" I say dumping the salt into my hand

"Three two One" Mel says then we all dump the mound of salt into our mouths and laugh as it burns our throat

"Let's never do that again" MArcus says taking a drink of water

"Your just a pussy" Mel says playfully nudging him

We all laugh and continue to talk about random stuff. Until I see Raegan call a young waitress over

"Yes?" She says walking over to us

"Hey can I get some more napkins and your number?" HE says smirking at her

I felt sick. "Smooth" the waitress says as she pulls out a pen and starts to write it down.

I get up and walk outside, I need air

"You good Blake?" Mel says sitting next to me on the curb

"No" I say

"Whats wrong?" She asks

"I just I-" I start

"You Like Raegan" She says

"Is it that obvious" i say running my hands through my hair

"Kinda" she says "BUt why did you walk out"

"Because we had a moment or what I thought was a moment at the pool then he hand his hands on my thigh at the table but then asks for the waiters number" I say

"Justin, you need to tell him" She says

"I can't, We made this bet because I wanted to prove I am the king of the school, how pathetic would I be if I fell in love with my rival" I say

"Wait what bet" She asks

"We made a bet when we first met that we would pretend to be best friends and be seen together and everything and in a month the school would vote on who is the real king of the school"

"Justin" she says rubbing my back

"I dont know what to do" I say

"Tell him. He likes you too" she says

"He does?" I say looking at her

"Tell him" she says again "Now come on before our fries get cold" she says smiling and standing up


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