Honored (rewriten)

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Heyyyy I rewrote this chapter because I didnt like it and I felt like thing were moving way to fast. But here you go!

Rae p.o.v

I wake up from the sound of the sink turning on in the bathroom that is connected to my room.

I shift to try and go back to sleep until I feel it....the coldness of the sheets against me. I slowly sit up and lift up the sheet...

"Morning Bestie!" Justin says loudly, scarring me and causing me to drop the sheet

"What happened last night?" I say in a panic praying I didnt do anything dumb

"Well you tried to beat me in drinking competitions all last night then we came home and here we are" He says

"Then why am I naked?!" I say freaked out

"Because you started to complain about how you were melting from the hear even though it was fucking 30 degrees outside" He says with a slight laugh as he ties his shoe

"That makes no sense" I say sitting up

"Well Mel left and you tries to get at me but when I said no you started to ramble on about Shane Dawson conspiracy theories while taking you clothes off." He says standing up "Then you started to get mad about how hot you were as you climbed into bed naked and covered up with heavy blankets"

"Wow I'm dumb" I say rubbing my head from the slight pain

"Yea, little bit. But get up cause Kale invited us to go swimming and I said yes" he says throwing a towel at me "shower, I can smell alcohol and regret from here" he laughs leaving the room

I get up, slightly dizzy, and walk to the bathroom. I get in and let the hot water wash away all the stupidity from last night and the worries about what he wasn't telling me.

I get out, get dressed, blah blah the normal things.

"Hurry up hoe!" I hear justin yell as I tie the string to my swim trunks    
"The only hoe here is you" I say as I come down the stairs

"Offended" Justin says putting his hand on his heart pretending to be hurt

"So have you even been swimming in Maryland?" I ask

"Nope, first time" he says smiling like a little kid

"Well I'm honored to be your first, now lets go" I say smirking. I open the door and point my arm to out the door like fancy people do. He pretends to bow and we go to the car

"I get to be Dj" Justin says grabbing the AUX

"What kind of trash does a guy like you listen to" I say as we pull out the drive way

"You'll see" he says plugging his phone in and then in the next 2 seconds we are jamming to some somo. Both of us yelling the lyrics and getting dirty looks from people....Maybe I t wont be so bad being his best friend

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