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RAegan p.o.v

"Over there is chemistry and down this way is Art" I say as we down the hall, Justin slightly behind me. "And here are the lockers, yours will be down and to the right"

"Oh please lets cut the crap Raegan" He says suddenly

"Excuse me?" I say turning around to face him

"Oh please dont act all clueless. You heard everyone talking about and telling you how I'm here to take your place as King" he steps closer to my face "ANd your scared"

"Oh please" I say rolling my eyes "Why would I be scared"

"Oh I dont know because all people have been talking about is me and your not used to that" he says

"Conceded much?" I say. This boy is really full of him self...maybe I underestimated him. Okay maybe he has 200 followers instead of 100

"your used to walked down the hall and all the waves. Your used to getting invited to every party or event and being the center of attention." His voice got quieter and got closer "Your used to girls refreshing their snapchats for that HMU post from you because only the first 3 girls have a chance of getting a message back"

"Whats your point" I say

"My point is that we are a lot similar the you think Rae" He says smirking

"OH please we are nothing like each other" I say

"Oh please you know we are" He says

"Whatever enjoy high school" I say Turing to walk away

"I think you might want to hear what I have to say Beast" He says, I slowly turn around and face him

"What do you mean" I say

"I have a proposition" He says crossing his arms

"And what would that be" I say walking up to him

"You And me" He starts "1 month we pretend to be best friends, go to parties together, go to the mall. All that mushy things best friends do."

"And at the end of the month?" I ask

"They vote" he says

"They?" I ask raising an eyebrow

"The school votes" he says "On who is the real king of the school"

"Thats it? We pretend to be best friends, been seen together until the school votes that I am the real king" he says

"Or me." He says "But yes thats it. Deal?" He says holding out his hand

"Oh your on" I say taking his hand "Bestie" I say smirking at him

This was gonna be the easiest bet to win, I know my school and someone new kid isn't gonna take that from me. No matter how 'bad' he thinks he is

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