Matted brown hair

357 30 7

Justin p.o.v

"Finally yall are here" Raegans friend Mel says as we walk up to her and Marcus? I think thats his name

"Sorry Raegan sucks at driving" I say smirking at Rae

"Hey its not my fault we hit every red light" he says

"It kinda is" I say as we put our things down

"Enough chat lets swim bitches!" Mel yells as she jumps in the pool then Marcus after her

"Come on" Raegan says motioning me towards the deep end of the pool

"Um no Ill go down the stairs" I say shaking my head

"Suit yourself" he says

I smirk sassily and turn to walk away

"Raegan Put me down" I yell and smack his arm as he carries me to the deep end

"As you say" he say

"Dont you D-"  But he doesnt let me finish

"see fun" He says as I come back up from almost drowning

"Asshole" I say pushing him away as he tries to hug me

"Oh come on you had fun" He says wrapping his arms around me

"no I didnt" I say trying not to smile

"Yes you did don't lie or I might just"

"Raegan stop" I say as he lifts me up preparing to throw me deeper in the water

"Admit you had fun" he says bringing me down and back into his arms

"Fine" I say smiling "but I'm only saying that so you're n0t to hurt when i beat you at racing"

"Oh please I am practically a fish" He says

"Yea a cat fish....pussy" I say playfully pushing him

"Those are fighten words my friend" He says smirking at me

"Are yall gonna race or just keep holding each other" Mel says

"Ready" Marcus says as we wait at the sallow end of the pool

"Ready fish?" I say snarky while looking at rae

"Set" Marcus says

"Oh you're on blake" He says back to me

"GO!" Marcus says 

I launch myself forward into the water getting hit by Raegans slash. My arms start to sting as I stretched them to swim faster. I look up, water splashing in my face, and see the end coming near. I dunk my head under the water and swim with all I have left.

I pop my head to of the water right before it hit the wall. I turn back to see Raegan right behind me, coming up and putting his arms on both sides of me, pinning me against the wall.

"Whose the fish now" I say as he catches his breath

"Well played blake" He says looking at me

Then a moment of silence falls between us. The water splashing in between us as we looked at each other. Mel and Marcus playing in the water on the opposite side of the pool is all that was heard.

I looked at him, his brown eyes a little red from the chlorine, his face covered in water droplets that dripped from his matted down brown hair. Then he begins to learn in,  making the water move slightly. He gets close to me face, my heart stops as I'm hope I know what he is about to do. But then......

"We should get back to Mel and Marcus" he whispered in my ear then pulled away

"Yea we should" i say with a slight sigh but a smile



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