More of other people queries

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If you haven't checked out the chapter title, yes this is more of me being a picky HP nerd and answering other peoples queries.


If voldemort wanted to kill Harry so bad why didn't he just throw him out of a window, a one-year old infant is quite fragile?


Using magic no others use is an effective way to kill grown adults, and it is the way Voldemort has risen to power. I am sure he could have killed Harry in numerous physical ways, but he would have no inclination to get personal since he had no idea a simple flick of the wand would not work. Once it had failed of course Voldemort had just demolished a building around his ears and destroyed his physical form in the backlash, reduced to mere vapour inhabiting hosts for 10 years until he meets Harry again.

Sorry if that sounds insufferably 'well really it's obvious' by the way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2018 ⏰

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