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Zoey slid the lock back onto her locker and clicked it shut before she heard the contagious laughter of her best friends that she loved. She turned after slinging her backpack up onto her shoulders and smiled at the four of them.

"We're all going to your moms café." Calum informed her as they grouped up together and left the building. It was their usual routine to head to her mothers café on days that they got homework. She didn't mind and once she was fifteen she'd be working there after school and on weekends.

They fell into step with one another as they walked down the street and then turned. They each talked about their day even though they saw everyone at least once in a class and at lunch. They still enjoyed talking to each other and it was one of Zoey's favourite things to do after school.

"Hey Michael!" A girl called out from across the street. Her name was Polly and her and Mike had a few classes together. Michael sent the girl a wave and a smile and she ducked her head and continued on walking.

"You two dating yet?" Zoey asked as she walked up to beside Michael and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

"No. I don't like her Zo." Michael defended as he moved his hair. Zoey shrugged and took in a deep breath. "Whatever you say." Zoey mumbled, not believing him. Michael shrugged her off and she chuckled softly before falling into a pace with Ashton.

"Did you understand anything that Mr. Jude was teaching today?" Ashton asked as he stuck his thumbs under his backpack straps as they spoke. Zoey looked at him and shook her head while laughing.

"No. Not one bit. But that also could have been because I was asleep." Zoey admitted as she lowered her head and then looked up as they crossed the extremely busy street.

Zoey ran ahead, her backpack shaking the contents up as she pulled open the door and the bell jingled. She walked towards the counter and smiled at her mom as she leaned against it. "Hi momma." Zoey said happily to her mother.

"Hey Zo. How was school?" Elisa asked as she restocked the muffins in the glass case.

"Fine. I got my math test back." Zoey told her as she waited for her mom to hand her a muffin.

"And?" Elisa dragged out as she looked at her growing daughter.

"Ninety-eight percent!" Zoey exclaimed and Elisa whooped and held up a hand for a high-five. Zoey clapped her hand against her mom's and then took the muffin from her.

"The boys and I are going to work on our homework. Let me know if you need anything." Zoey told her mother as the boys were now seated and had already pulled out their binders and such.

"Okay. Have fun."

Zoey walked back and slid into the booth. She pulled off her backpack and pulled out her binders and text book. She had a different binder for each class. It kept her organized.

They all started on some sort of homework. Zoey started on her math homework and began to work through the problems. Calum was sat beside her and she noticed him plug in his earphones. He offered her the right one and she took it, putting it in her ear as the music started.

It wasn't unusual or uncomfortable for the five of them to not talk while they sat there. They enjoyed one another's presence and just being with one another was good enough.

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