chapter 1

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Have you ever felt empty?

Empty in a way that your purpose in life almost feel as if it was snatched away from you by an unknown source for an unknown reason, forcing you to wake each day with a strong sense of anticipation, waiting for something to unfold. Only to leave each day feeling unaccomplished; although, the event or task or even perhaps, person, remains unknown.

"That's what everyday for me feels like," my voice soft as the familiar clog in my throat appeared once again, "like I'm stuck in the same dream every single day."

I shift my gaze from the flowing pebbles on the ground as the wind blew, towards the person staring straight at me, bewildered. Just before she grew into pits of laughter.

"You're so silly," she giggled, "I never understand what you're talking about."

"Me neither.." I whispered, frowning.

She placed a smile upon her face, and patted my shoulder before getting up from the bench and stating that we should head to the fields to help divide out the meals for the farmers.

I walked slightly behind her, my chest tightening as I remember her taunting laugh. I know she didn't mean it in such a way, but I can't help but feel otherwise.

"You know," she slowed down, "you were always like that when you were younger, so imaginative."

I kept my gaze on the ground, nodding to acknowledge her statement.

It seems like everyone knows about me except for me. Everyone knows my story and my past. Except for me.

"You love this food.

This was your favorite flower.

You used to dance to this song all the time, wear your hair like this, and your eyes were so bright-"

Despite the fact that none of those said items and activities actually brought any kind of change within me.

"You girls are finally back," my mother exclaimed. "How was the city?"

"Busy today, actually. We didn't get to stay long because there s'much people. We bought these apples, they were so sweet but so expensive-"

Their voices disappearing to a whisper as I pull my heavy shoulders to the barn, my father welcomed me with a smile before asking the same question my mother had just asked.

"Good," I forced a smile back, causing his to drop.

"Why don't you come with me to the meadow later? Get the city smell out of your nose, and get some fresh air." He suggested, staring at me for a response before I nodded in agreement, leaving through the other door without another word as he sighed a deep sigh, which caused me to feel a slight pang of guilt.

"Where is she?" I heard my mother yell, frantic.

"Who?" My father answered, confusion easily heard in his voice.

Hearing her yell my name, I froze in my spot when my father pointed her to the direction of where I exited.

"They're here, they're here, they're here," she kept repeating. "Where is she? You said she was just here!"

"She's right there, dear! By the well."

Finally fixing her gaze, she quickly approached me with a big but nervous smile. My heart started beating quickly as I backed away from her, stepping on a small stick as I did so, which caused me to panic even more.

"Who's here?" I whispered in fear as they started closing in on me.

"Honey, it seemed's we've run out of fruits for the farmers, why don't you go home and-"

"Who's here?" I continued to insist as they pushed me away from the fields. Twisting my head to look through the barn, I saw people on horses being surrounded by farmers as they hopped off.

"You know what? You should just buy some more in the market in the city," my father suggested as he gave me one last light shove out of the fence gates, "we wouldn't want to run out of fruits in our house, wouldn't we?"

Speechless at what just occurred, I stared at the horses from afar as both my mother and father quickly walked back to be with the others.

Why are they acting so strange? They've never acted like this before.

"Excuse me," my thoughts were interrupted.

"Do you happen to know where the-" Turning to face the source of the voice, he jumped off his horse and froze in his spot as he saw me. He balled his hands into fists as he shifted his weight back, staring as if I were a titan. He held his breath, and struggled to form words.

"The what?" I finally spoke after a few moments of silence as I waited for him to continue his question. "Are you okay?"

He loosened his muscles, his arms falling to his sides but his eyes still fixed on mine. He babbled.

"Two.." he whispered, "it can't be. You left.."

"Yeah, to buy more fruits-"

"No," he exclaimed, "almost two years ago! You left to die! How are you here?" His voice started off strong, yelling at me as if I knew exactly what he was talking about but it quickly disappeared into a whisper when he asked his question.

I was just as baffled as he was. Having not a slightest idea of who this stranger was, I was even more confused by the fact on how he knew about happened to me, although I couldn't even remember. My mother and father told me that I worked as an instructor in Wall Rose, within the Utopia District but due to a minor accident, I had to return home.

As I tried to scramble through my limited memory, we stood there in silence, staring at one another while the wind blew between us.

"Were you a friend of mine from the Utopia District?" I asked, which caused him to draw a blade and point it in front of me.

"Who are you?" His voiced, cold. His eyebrows furrowing towards each other as I stood frozen in fear.

"You must've gotten me mistaken with somebody else-"

"Who are you?!" He screamed, interrupting me just before I quickly yelled my name back in response, causing him to drop his weapon back to his side, his arm limped.

"That's not your name.." he whispered. His face looked cold but the way he spoke sounded as if my yelling of my name wounded him.

I blinked, confusion and fear mixed all together.

"Your name is [f/n], that's who you are. [f/n]. Do you remember me?"

I shook my head, too afraid to even answer, scared that he'll flip his emotions once again and attack me with his sword.

"It's me. Levi."


Author's note, hi :)

I won't be updating as much as I hope I would due to school almost ending so I'm currently in exam season. I have about 4 AP classes so I'm going to try to write as much as I can, but I won't be promising to be as active because I do want to study as well.

BUT anyways, I really really hope that you guys all enjoy this sequel as much as you did with hood, even though to this day I'm still not satisfied with how that turned out but I am incredibly grateful for the love that I received for it. Once again, PLEASE comment any feedback, or just anything in general, because I really do want to hear what everyone has to say and whether you guys like where this is going or not.

Thank you so much for everything!!



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