chapter 4

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The castle that I was witnessing in front of me was incredible, being the biggest building I have ever seen in my life. I think.

The ground surrounding the castle seemed as if it wanted to retrieve it back within itself; vines crawling halfway to the top as a few started poking cracks through its walls, the old age of the castle revealing through like wrinkles.

The ride to our destination was a lot more mellow than I had anticipated. Hange, as she spoke of herself in third person, was a fast talking and excited stranger when we "first" met outside the market place. But on the way to the castle, she was quiet. And so was I, as I was too scared to give away the fact that I had no idea who she was, which I'm guessing she might've already approached that conclusion.

"Isn't she a beauty," she whispered as she walked by my side, "this place was a lot cleaner before, believe it or not, but we got a bit busy."

She started walking ahead, slowing down to turn around and see if I was following.

"Is this where I taught?"

She stopped walking, moving her eyes from the door of the castle to the ground, ignoring my question as she continued to move once again.

Opening the large door ahead of us, she was greeted by salutes and good mornings, while I was greeted by stares.

"Isn't she Daanz's sister?" I heard one whisper, snapping my head in her direction who then froze in fear.


Why does that name sound familiar?

"Why would you bring her here?" I heard his voice echo in power, feeling as if it shook the wall that I was leaning on.

My back faced against his office, trying to make out the muffled yells between the two.

"It's not her!" He yelled, which then Hange retorted back with, "yes, she is!"

"She has the same eyes, and hair, and voice, and her smile! Can't you see? She is her!" She sounded as if she was crying, her voice breaking as she spoke.

"Out of all the people in this place, shouldn't you be the one to know her-"

"I do know her," he exploded, interrupting her. "And I know that it's not her. The way she looked at me isn't the same, and I know for a fact that she wouldn't forget about me."

"Well, your ego seems to have grown." Her voice instantly grew colder. "She promised to tell you exactly how she felt about you once you got back from that expedition, but she never did. How exactly do you know how she felt?"

The room behind me became quieter, as if the time stood still. And for a moment, that's what it felt like.

I sat beside the door, not hearing yells anymore but only soft spoken muffles. It finally opened just as Hange stepped out, looking sideways for a second before her eyes landed upon me. I stood quickly to my feet.

"You must be tired," she smiled. "Why don't I show you to a room so you can rest before I take you back home."

I shifted my weight back a little as I stared at her in disbelief, remembering her promise that she'd show me to Levi.

"But," I stuttered, "you said-"

Not finishing my own sentence, I looked over her shoulders and saw the one that I was looking for, his back facing me as he looked through, what I could make out as, a bookshelf.

Pushing slightly pass her and into the office, I spoke his name in a soft tone, making him stop in his spot.

"Isn't that your name?" I asked, finally feeling the irritation in me as everyone kept trying to keep my own past from me.

It's my life, shouldn't I have the right to know?

"Hange, you should take her home now." He said, ignoring my presence in his room.

Hange grabbed me by the arm but I shook her off.

"Why don't you wanna talk to me?" My voice shook, turning my irritation into tears as I tried to fight it off.

"Because," he said, keeping his back faced towards, "do you even know what you want to talk about?"

I paused, realizing he was right. What did I even have to ask?

"About my life," I said, more of a question than a statement. "Who am I?" I whispered but he quickly replied, stating that he couldn't answer that because he doesn't know me.

"But you said you did, back in the fields, a few days ago," I exclaimed.

"I can't tell you who you are, because I don't know who you are." He repeated himself, speaking slower this time.

"Yes, you can. I know you can," my voice broke. "You have to know me."

"What would you do if I don't?"

There it is again, the same familiar feeling that I received when he spoke of the tree. My mind went blank, my eyes staring directly at his as if I was hypnotized.

He closed his eyes, and spoke slowly once again.

"Hange," his voice monotoned, "you should take her home now-"

"At least take me to someone that could tell me," I yelled as Hange fought to pull me back. "Like- like, [n/n]!" My voice echoed in the quiet castle as both Hange and Levi froze in their spots, both eyes shock at my response.

"Well?" I asked once Hange stopped fighting against me. "Where is she? Or he?"

Levi moved his gaze from me to the tea in front of him, his hands very slightly shaking as he pulled it to his lips.

"She's dead." And then he sipped, turning around to face the window behind him.

AUTHOR'S NOTES; please don't skip this!!

What do you guys think of this story so far?

What do you guys think it's going to happen?

I already have a few chapters prepared but I might finish this story off the next time I update so I could publish the rest of the chapters at the same time. But I'm not sure about that idea.

What do you guys think I should do?

Thank you so much once again for all the support.



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