chapter 5

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"Hange, we can't just place her in any squad. It's not that simple-"

"Yes, we can!" She exclaimed. "We can put her in mine."

The man she was speaking to sighed, "that's not what I meant. It's not that simple. She has to go through training like everyone else-"

"Levi didn't go through training."

"Levi," he slightly raised his voice to overpower hers, "knew how to use the gear. You can't just add her because she was previously related to someone that was in the team. You haven't thought about this thoroughly, have you?"

"I have thought about it, and you should've seen her running away in the market place. I know she can learn quickly."

"Hange, no-"

"Erwin, yes!" Her sudden yell towards her commander caused him to raise his brows at her, shocked at her quick response. Realizing her impolite actions, she then bowed towards him in apology.

"Erwin, please. Just allow me this favor once." She raised her head to face him once again, desperation obvious on her expression. "If not for me, for Daanz. For [n/n]."

Pausing for a second and then taking a deep breath, Erwin finally gave in and nodded, causing Hange's excitement to quickly jump out.

"[f/n]!" She yelled, "he said yes!"

Slowly revealing myself from behind the corner of the wall, I smiled at Erwin who stared at me in shock.

"Was she there the whole time?"

Ignoring his question, she quickly ran to me, indulging me in a tight embrace just before bowing back to Erwin and then saluting in gratitude, and pulled me out of his quarters and into her own office in the basement.

"This is so exciting," she exclaimed, running around and gathering piles of paperwork in her arms. I studied my surroundings, rust against jail bars and spider webs prominent upon its walls, trying to imagine the beauty that this whole place once was like Hange stated before.

"Who's Daanz?" I asked, causing her to pause in her spot.

"I should get more of these files from experiment 47 so you could learn as much as you can about titans," she ignored my question, pretending to not hear what I had just asked her.

Rolling my eyes, tired of those keeping information from me, I repeated my question, louder than I did before. She paused once again for a second and then leaned down under her table, not saying a word. After finding the last file that she was looking for, she turned around, the excitement on her face turned serious.

"He was a great soldier," she said, "from your district."

Is that it? If he was such a strong argument to use that caused Erwin to let an untrained and inexperience stranger in the Survey Corps, why is that all she could tell me about him?

But not wanting to push my limits anymore, I just slowly nodded, following her as she set the paperwork upon the table. She opened the first file that was atop of all the others and surprised me with a image of a dismembered titan. Although drawn, it was as repulsive as it would've been if it was directly presented in front me. 

"Lesson Number One," she smiled, "there is only one way to kill a Titan."

We spent what felt like hours going through each information in agonizing detail, the pounding in the temples of my head becoming more and more prominent as the seconds passed. But while my will and body continued to weakened, Hange seemed to gain energy and more excitement as she taught.

"Do you understand?" She questioned and I replied with only a nod and a smile, before she continue to go over once more the true nature of titans.

Is this even worth it anymore? I questioned myself, giving my mind a break as I tuned out Hange's voice.

All I want are answers. Real and complete answers that are given to me with confidence, not the ones where I'd have to search and study for meanings.

"Hange," I finally interrupted her, "why don't we take a break?"

For a second she looked a bit taken aback before nodding and suggesting dinner in the cafeteria.

"Go ahead without me," she smiled, "I'll follow after I clean everything up."

Following her orders, I headed up the stairs and into the dark and cold hallway of the castle. The sun had set and the sky carried the stars clear in its path.

"Wow," I whispered in awe, both at the beauty of the sight and at the fact that we actually did study for hours. I then quietly made my way to the cafeteria, moving in light steps in fear of awaking those who were already asleep.

When I finally arrived to my destination, I pushed the heavy doors forward, my eyes immediately meeting with the being that was already there. His back faced me and he didn't even move a centimeter before he spoke to me.

"Do you honestly think this is a good idea?"

Seeing him stare at my reflection through the windows he was facing, made me feel uneasy, causing my mind to blank out and not answer.

"I can't believe Erwin actually agreed for you to join the corps when you," he paused, his head falling forward as he changed his gaze to the ground.

"I can't believe Erwin actually agreed for you to join the corps when you absolutely have no experience." He spoke quieter as he repeated his statement, causing me to slowly move towards him to hear him clearly.

"Do you honestly think you're going to survive outside these walls-"

"I didn't come here to be apart of the Survey Corps," I interrupted him.

"I came here for you."


Since a few people have expressed their confusion on certain parts of the story, for my next update I am planning on explaining everything in detail so it won't be as puzzling anymore.

SO if you guys have any questions about the story, you can ask as much as you want to.

Anyways, I am so so sorry that this chapter took so long to be published. And I am so so sorry that it sucks lol I know a lot of you guys hate it when I say that my chapters suck but this one definitely does.

I'm kind of rusty since I haven't been able to find the time to write so this chapter was rushed. I've explained in the comments of the previous chapter as well as on my page that due to some personal family issues, I haven't been able to write and most of you have all been so supportive. And I will forever and ever be so grateful for every single one of you that continue to stick with me despite me lacking.


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