chapter 3

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"I told you to tell [n/n] about the reports."

The bright light of the sun's rays danced against my eyelids, causing me to awake from my sleep. Groaning at the pain that ran through my back, I sat up from the bench only to be surprised by the commotion that started to surround me.

Merchants yelled as they prepared their tents while citizens walked through to scan the products that was laid upon the tables. Different sorts of sounds, from people screaming at one another to the materials jumbling together within carts as horses pulled them mixed. A sharp pain started to pound within my head.

"Maurice!" A baker screamed, "the baguettes!" I swung my legs back to touch the ground, bringing my hands pressed hard against my temples.

"You know, you're never gonna get to explore that land you were talking about."

Bringing my head back to look at my surroundings, I placed my hand on the spot beside me, looking for my bag. Quickly followed by panic, I stood to my feet and frantically searched around the bench that I had slept upon.

"No," I whispered, followed by multiple cusses under my breath. I looked up at the sky, out of breath by the stress that this day has already given me.

"Get out the way, you damned imbecile!" Getting pushed to the side by a man that walked pass and then once again by the person that I had accidentally bumped into, I was drowning in between the mass of people, for a moment forgetting why I had left my village in the first place. Finally following towards the harsh current of people, my stomach grumbled in hunger as I saw all the fruits and other foods around me.

I walked for a little while, my head hung towards the ground, feeling as if it was heavier than normal. I contemplated my decision, whether or not I should just head back, and as soon as I looked up, happiness exploded in my chest.

My bag.

It was in between the legs of a drunken man, my journal's papers spread and stepped-on around him as he laughed and poke fun along with his friends. Feeling the heat rise from my chest to the top of my head, I stomped and made my way towards the group, reaching for my bag and then snatching it away.

"Hey," he slurred, "that's mine!"

"No, it's not!" I yelled back with just as much power as he did with his voice.

I started to walk away with my bag in my hand, picking up as much of the papers on the ground as I could carry in my other hand before I felt a tug on my back. I landed on the man's chest as he squeezed my face with one hand, warning me through gritted teeth, "that's mine," his breath making me dizzy as he spoke slowly.

Pulling myself away from his harsh grip, I turned and tried to run but he moved too quickly, grabbing me by my arm and slapping me hard across my face, causing me to fall on the ground.

He was about to kick me but a voice from behind made him freeze in his spot.

"You know, just because you're out of your Military Police uniform doesn't mean your out of your job," he turned around revealing a woman with a smug look on her face, "not yet anyways-"

"And why are you so confident?" He interrupted her.

I took this time to gather my belongings and finally making a run for it.


"Leave her be!" I heard a loud grunt from his direction and as I turned around, I saw him laying on the floor clutching his stomach. In a quick second, I moved my gaze from the man to the woman who stared at him with a smile on her face. She then flicked her eyes towards me, widening them in an instant.

"Hey!" She screamed after me but I continued to run, fearing the already rising man.

I ran through the mass of people in great speed, easily dodging everything that came my way; from the merchants carrying their crates to the crates being accidentally dropped on the ground as I jumped high onto across tables.

"Hey!" I heard her voice echo behind me as I jumped off a merchant's table, knocking trays of apples off, earning a yell of anger from the owner. I quickly landed on the floor, grabbing an apple with one hand and fled away from the market place and into the packed city.

Catching my breath as I slowed down, I bit on the apple as my vision started to blur, white spots forming as I leaned against a wall. My chest ached.

I've never ran like that before, my body isn't used to it.

"Hey," the same voice from earlier spoke in a whisper before I turned around, only to be indulged into a tight hug. "Hey!" She yelled, elongating the simple word.

"You're back!" She sobbed out into my shoulders as I stood in my place frozen in fear, confused at what was happening.

"Why didn't you tell us you were bac- does Levi know you're back?! When did you get back? How about Erwin— does he know? Why am I the last one to know? I'm always the last one to know," she spoke so quickly that my head became dizzy again, working hard to understand what she was saying.

"Oh never mind," she exclaimed before squeezing me tightly once again, "I missed you so much!"

We stood in the same spot for, what felt like, hours. My arms glued to my side as she cried against my shoulders, occasionally whispering, "I can't believe you're back."

"Does Levi know you're back?" She finally spoke in a normal speed, her eyes perked towards me with excitement.

"I," I stuttered, "I think so. I saw him a few days ago."

Her eyes widened again, causing me to get slightly nervous. She cussed his name under her breath and followed it with a question towards herself of why he didn't tell her anything.

"I just got back a few days ago, I've just been wandering," my voice gradually softened into a whisper as I answered her questions one by one, right after she asked them once again, "I didn't really know where to go."

"What did you find out? What did you see?" She asked, eager.

"Uh, just a lot of corn."

She furrowed her eyebrows at me and sat back up straight as if I provided the wrong answer.

"Why didn't I know you were back?" She interrogated.

"I've just been wandering around," I repeated myself, "looking for this guy that I feel can help me."





YOU GUYS ARE THE SWEETEST OMFGGG even I feel kind of unsatisfied with my work and my chapters, you guys are all still so supportive and so nice and ugh I'm going through a tough time right now and reading through everyone's comments are making me feel so much better.

ALSO I'm so sorry to everyone who messages me and I take forever to reply, I don't go on here as much anymore so I don't have my notifications on. If you guys would like to talk to me, I would love to be friends with every single once of you, you guys should send me your instagram and snapchat usernames and I'll try to add everyone!!

ALSO PT. 2 I thought maybe you guys could ask me a few questions and I'll answer them at the end of every chapter so I can become closer with you guys idk it sounds like a dumb idea sorry idk

I'm sorry I always talk too much in these Author's Notes ://

Thanks so much for reading and supporting me, once again!



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