Chapter 1 (Part 3) {Lucas} - Discovery

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The P.B.C’s (Powerful Being Collector) tale was one told around the world; it went a little like this;

Once upon a time there was peace within the world’s society and economy, this was until Damian Smith joined the royal government and with his superior knowledge and powers that were passed throughout his family from generation to generation that he ruled the world. He promised that anyone with powers would be placed above all the rest and would be served as gods, outrage took over the countries and cities, people began to riot until it was no longer safe to be known as ‘Powerful ‘or ‘Gifted’. All those with powers went into hiding, occupying only small towns where no one would suspect their gifted families. When Damian Smith was at the peak of his superiority, he was assassinated by another member of the royal government who then took Damian’s position. The assassins name was Daniel Smith (Damian’s younger and non-gifted brother who was jealous of Damian’s power), he created the law that all powerful and gifted people should be sent to an isolated village where they will learn to use their powers in the way of the law. This program would be the decider if powerful people would be used as weapons in case of war to whomever in the royal government needed them most, or whether all powerful families would be slaughtered like the animals the world made them out to be. The program was run at Summerville High School for the Powerful and Gifted.

I peered out of the barn to see a wanted picture of me hanging from the wall of the house. Hundreds of men and women in the PBC uniform jogged in synchronise timing, down streets and raided houses. I hear a rattling within the hay, as I spun around to look at it someone ran at my face making me almost faint as they went right through me. The whole barn was full of people but no one was paying any attention to me. I took a deep breath and with as much confidence I could round up, I quietly inquired, "hello?"

"He is finally sixteen!" they screamed as I signalled them to quieten down, but no one outside the barn stirred at all. It was almost as if everyone outside could only hear dead silence. I looked at a couple who stood holding hands with their backs to me, it wasn’t until I walked to them and they spun around to look at me that I realised who they were, my parents. Nausea filled my system again as I walked backwards, then tripping on a rake went flying into the mound of hay and hitting my head. I rubbed my eyes as consciousness came back to me. I was circled by half transparent people who looked at me with grave shock as I sat up extremely fast making me nauseous once again, this time there was no way of me walking away.

"You might want to sit down so we can explain," Mum said as she signalled me over to a wooden rocking chair in the centre of the room. I sat down as mum continued. "You are a spirit caller, you can call spirits to do your bidding and they will call upon you to do the same."

"So I am one of the people that you always told stories about? When I was little of course. The ones with the affinity for spirit?" I asked as I cocked my head to the side in interrogation. She nodded in reply as glistening tears began to run down her face and she curled into dad’s built body.

"Look son, you are going to do great things but we have to move on, you will find spirits who are made to help you but we are not them." Dad said not answering any of my questions, as he hugged mum and began to surround himself with a pure light, and as soon as he finished his sentence he disappeared into the sky above.

All the other spirits that were previously in the barn did the same thing a second afterward. I looked around the room and found only one spirit remained with me, it was a girl who looked fit and energetic; her brown hair was in a ponytail and was waist length. Her eyes were as blue as flowing water and her body as skinny as a rake. She didn’t look like she had eaten her entire life, which was probably why she died. She looked at me awaiting my orders. But I didn’t have any, all I had were questions that needed answering.

"What can you guys do?" I asked as she sprinted in front of me and stood with her arms tightly against her sides. The barn doors flew open and bright blue, electro bullets flew through the air hitting her and not me. I felt sorry for her at first, but it didn’t seem to have any effect on her at all, so then I was thankful. They ran out of the doorway and circled me. I am circled a little too often, I thought as she told me to summon a dragon spirit.

"I summon the spirit of the blue dragon!" I screamed instinctively, as mist filled the barn and the hay, which covered the floor and walls, turned as black as night. A transparent dragon stood in front of me with eyes as dark as the night sky on a starless night. His breath was hot and smoky as it left his nostrils and breathed all over me. It bowed its head in a sign of respect as I placed my palm gently on the middle of its horned forehead. The girl spirit, who I still didn’t know the name of, ran straight passed me and jumped on the dragons back with me following her closely, I had trouble jumping on its back so the girl spirit held her hand out to give me a boost up.

I looked at her with confusion as she was ghostly and I was a physical being, but I took my chances and grabbed at her wrist as she monkey gripped me. Her skin was soft and tingly as it rubbed against mine when she hoisted me onto the back of the dragon, I hugged its neck in fear and fright as we busted through the barn roof and took off into the vivid blue sky above. Bullets flew in the air and skimmed past our vision as we hurtled into the sky and flew to safety.

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