Chapter 1 (Part 5) - {Lucas} - The Metal, The Water & Me

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  • Dedicated to Joshua Daniel Brunell

The voice continued to echo until the sound of guns clattering against bullet proof vest began to fill the house. I peered out the window, looking for the cause of the annoying sound. I felt my body reject the need for energy and start burning at the adrenalin that boiled inside. I ran out the back exit and instantly headed towards the forest behind the house.

Tree branches smacked into my legs and I could feel them being picked apart by nature itself as bugs and all other aspects of the outdoor environment began to make their way to my sensitive skin.

I ran as far as I could without stopping and found that I made it right to the river that was located in the deepest part of the forest, its water looked so pure co I couldn’t resist washing my fresh cuts and grazes in its cleanliness. I used my cupped hands to scoop some of the water onto my legs which made little puddles of blood that washed calmly into the main river. I cringed at the pain as the fresh, cool water cleaned my wounds and stopped any infection that was underway.

The sound of a twig snapping caught my attention and I stood up in bravery, the trees across from me and on the other side of the river began to rustle and sway. I squinted against the light and saw the figure of a girl standing behind the thickest tree trunk; panic surged through my veins once more as I began to run. Where is north? I started thinking to myself as I made a dash for my life. A huge sphere of water hit me square in the face, sending my flying backwards in shock and pain. I removed the excess water from my face and wringed it out of my hair, I rubbed my eyes and stood back up willing to face whoever was clearly trying to pick a fight. A girl stepped out from behind the tree with her hands directed at the water which made it bubble up until yet another sphere of water lifted from its surface.

I ducked for cover as she shot the ball of water at me, her hands were trembling and her brown hair was messy and frizzy. Her blue eyes shot menacing glares at me as she shot balls of water at me one after another, my mind began to overcome the fear and start thinking of ways to escape the situation. I kept my head down until the sun I was under suddenly became shade; I looked up and saw a boy around the same age that I am and made of metal in mid-air heading in my direction.

I stood up and ran away from the striking area as he landed with such intensity that it shook the ground with ease. He looked bold and daring; he held a metal bat in his hand that surged with power. His skin was glistening from the reflection of the sun on his metal skin; his hair was also made of metal but was shaggy. He looked almost holey in a strange kind of way. On his right hand was an engagement ring that shone beautifully as he looked over at the girl across the river in awe.

I felt apologetic in a way because I felt as if I had intruded on their peace but I felt harmed more than anything, I was too busy discussing with myself about how I felt when the boy punched me in the jaw with his now normal skinned fist. I froze in place as the shock passed over me, I punched him back just as he turned into metal once more.

I felt the bones in my fist break and sprain as I pulled my hand in as quickly as I let it out; I felt my heartbeat vibrate throughout my hand as it began to swell. The man smiled a devious grin as he went for yet another strike in the jaw, I instinctively turned into my spirit form and his fist went right through my face making me flinch. I checked every part of my body to make sure that none of it was hurt or bruised and found that my hand was out of place, it looked all mangled and broken. The boy and the girl both searched for me and found nothing so they went straight back to their business, my heart was beating at one-hundred miles per hour and my body began to shake with nerves. I spun on my heels and ran as far and fast as humanly possible, my hand was so swollen it looked as if the bones inside had shattered into smithereens. I had an epiphany, I should go to the Witch of Walberry (The Witch of Walberry was one of the greatest magical healers of all time. It is said that she used remedies that only suit the genes on a powerful or gifted person, although Walberry was a rich place she lived in the furthest cave which just boarded the Walberry area. She does not serve any that do not have something to offer in return to her remedies).

The Witch of Walberry was only a short distance away from Summerville because she was used to bring in escaped students; she did not like doing it though. The PBC were hated by the powerful and gifted society and the only way to escape them was to join them and that was what she intended to do, whether it meant betraying her own kind or not.

Fear trickled down my spine sending me into series of spasms and twitches as I made my way towards Summerville, I knew the location well because so many people led me there to tell me that it was my new home.

Some part of me knew that one day I would end up in that school and quite possibly never return, so I tried to memorise every exit and entrance in and out of the place.

Summerville was a series of guarded roads and houses that were all built around Summerville High School for the Powerful and Gifted; this is where people with powers are taught to use them ‘correctly’. Anyone who steps foot off the premises of the school was instantly slaughtered, well if you couldn’t escape.

I climbed a hill which sat upon the boarder of Summerville and I peered into the distance at the school. I squinted as hard as I could at the gate which surrounded that school itself and saw that there was a child standing against its wiring, it looked like a male in between the ages of thirteen and fifteen. He had black spikey hair that stood up in several intervals around his head; he was wearing a complete black outfit which set the mood, he looked like a burglar. He flipped his hoodie on as he crawled through the freshly cut fence, lights began to circle wildly as alarms went off.

He began to run but not fast enough, the commanding PBC officer held him close to his scrawny body and muscly arms. The commander reached behind him and pulled out a knife, and clearly slit the escapee’s neck. A ringing began to echo in my ears as the scene disturbed the whole town, PBC officers ran to their commander’s aid, the boy’s body lay limp on the dirt track surrounding the school. Blood poured out of his neck as he made his last movement which was a direct point in my direction, I ducked and made my way down the hill as the bright spot light hit where I previously was, I commando rolled down the remainder of the slope as yelling and the sound of roaring engines began to fill the air around me.

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