Chapter 1 (Part 6) - {Lucas} - A House For Me

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[Author's Note; Hello Readers, Sorry for the short length of this part. I am about to finish this whole chapter so I'll make it up to you in the final part of Chapter 1. Also, this part has net been edited so I apologise in advance for the mistakes and if you find any please don't be afraid to point the out. COMMENT! VOTE! FAN! ~James Brunell]

I made my way out of Summerville and into Walberry with ease as there were no forests or any obstacles in the way. The scenery way magnificent and my only regret was that I didn’t have time to capture the moment or take a picture with the camera I didn’t have. The more I went without treatment to my broken hand, the more it sent violent shudders of pain through my system. I had to get to the Witch I just didn’t know how much further I could run and hide from passing PBC patrols, I wish my guardian was here to protect me and make sure that I was doing okay.

"Stop!" a voice screamed from behind me as I jumped down a long set of natural rock steps. The sound of people running was the only thing that kept me from slowing down or stopping completely, I couldn’t shake them off my trail and they sure as hell were not going to stop the chase. I ran through a short amount of forest where a patrol car sat awaiting me, all the PBC officers had ambitious looks upon them as two more patrols came from both directions beside me. I was trapped.

One of the officers pulled out a blade and pointed it at me as did three others from each direction, everything from then on happened in fast motion; the coiling feeling around my body, the firing of nets and tranquiliser darts swiftly flying through the air. I still remained standing with piles of nets and darts at my feet, I was a spirit and I was glad to be.

The officers began to look around and start swinging branches around in a failed attempt of hitting me. I was making my way around the patrol car when one of the patrols started to throw a kind of glittering dust around the area, a handful of dust landing heavily on my arm and my whole body began to return to my human form. I knew I didn’t have long before I was a complete human so I took the only chance I had to escape and I ran.

I had to swerve through trees and boulders that lay around the area. I ran straight to a set of houses that were built at the top of a beautiful hill, the grass was so green, and the rich scent of pollen circulated the air, removing any tension that I previously felt. I quickly hid behind one of the houses as I scanned the area and the trail behind me for any PBC officers; I was in luck, there were none. The area looked like no one was living there and the houses looked like mansions compare to my house in Lauraville.

They were three story buildings with glass doors and luxurious paints. They reminded me of houses for royalty; they looked like they were very well cared for.

I went to the front of the first house on the hill and knock vigorously on the door, no answer huh? I thought as I made my way to the back fence. I tried to turn into spirit but it wouldn’t work, probably because of the dust that still lightly covered my skin. I resorted to jumping the fence, which I did with ease, the back yard looked just as spectacular from the back as it did form the front, and I was amazed. I quietly tried opening the glass sliding door that had not a mark on it; the door slid open rather fast without me even really trying. I stepped in and immediately ducked for cover, I felt like a spy as I rolled around the floor cautiously.

I walked into the kitchen after a long check of the house to see if it was safe and with no people around. I swung open the fridge doors and was welcomed by the revolting smell of out-of-date milk and all other disgusting aromas. I singed at the smell and quickly slammed the fridge shut and walked over to the cupboard where I spotted the ultimate banquet, ANZAC COOKIES! Excitement filled me as I scoffed them all down within five minutes.

ANZAC Cookies were my mum’s favourite thing to cook; tears began to fall from my cheeks at the thought of my mum and dad. I hope they are proud of me, I thought as I picked up the empty packet that the ANZAC Cookies were kept in and threw it in the bin.

I spent the rest of my time ridding the fridge of all the off items which it held. I thought that if I’m going to spend the night then I might as well repay them for their open home. I ran into the lounge room to inspect my new surroundings, everything was energy efficient and the whole house was powered by solar panels. Everything in the home seemed to amuse me in some small way, probably because I was forcibly removed from my belongings so quickly.

I frolicked through the house like a ballerina, which was quite embarrassing actually, and when I began feeling tired I made my way through each bedroom. I had a decision to make and that was to decide which room was best for me to sleep in. I walked all the way down the long hall and hesitated before turning the brass knob.

The door creaked as it slowly swung open; my heart sank with nervousness at what I saw. My jaw dropped in amazement, curiosity and panic at the familiar sight.

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