You Always Say

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You always say this time will be your last

You always say you won't fill that glass

You always say you won't forget your keys then you stand by the door bell ringing

You always say you won't come home singing

You always say you won't drive home drunk

But then you come home and your car smashed in cause ya hit a tree trunk

You promise me these things then give me a shiteating grin

And I always think you won't do it again

But then it does

You choose the drink over us

You always say this time will be your last

But here comes the bottle and here comes the glass

Every bar around town knows your credit card number

And every taxi driver knows what roof you live under

I know you try

But some times you don't take the things you say to heart and I cry

You always say this time will be the last

You always say you won't fill that glass

But then you do

Everybody knows the drinker in town is you

You should see the looks they give us all because of you

Sometimes you come home with bruises

You don't tell us about the fight but we know

Sometimes you go for midnight cruises

You don't tell us where your going but we always know

Cause they call us when it's closing time

They may know your favorite drink

But they don't know that when your drunk you can do almost anything

Or so you think

You always say this time will be the last

You tell the kids and they are glad

But they don't know the man that I do

They don't know you like I do

I believe in you

I have faith it you

And most of all I love you

But i know this time wont be the last

I really think you need to go to rehab

I know you say you don't need it

But you do

And it will help you

I know you can beat this

I think you just need some help with it

You always say this time will be your last

But then you fill that glass

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