Don't take your life
Don't give power to that knife
Don't give up the fight
Even though your expectations don't live up to the height
Don't sacrifice
You can't be replaced
You can be saved
You're worth more than you think
So go swim even though you may want to sink
You can't give up this fight
Cause the prize at the end is the rest of your life
Don't pull the trigger
Because your dreams are way bigger
When you look way down at the core
You've got soo much more
To live for
It's a David and goliath
So why don't you go and fight it
You're story isn't over so don't end it
The scars aren't worth it
The pain isn't worth it
And even though people may say to do it
You've gotta fight it
You're worth more than this
So come and show us what you've got
Go and give it one more shot
Give it your best shot