A Witch and a Wizard

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I have always believed there is nothing called nonsense. It is just the matter of discovery and the same thing would start making sense. Things don't always have to be proved. Some things are better hidden. I have always believed in fairy tales and places like wonderland. I would often fancy myself in place of Alice, embarking my own adventure. The others would say that I am insane, a freak, but it has never truly bothered me. For what I think about myself and what they think about me are two different things. Besides if I would really be hurt by there foul words Alex would stand up for me and assure me. He has been a brother to me ever since I stepped in the Saint Mary's Orphanage even though we do not share the same blood. He is the only family I have got and I his. Alex's parents had died in a car accident and he had no other living family. He was only two when he was brought here.

The orphanage decided to take everyone nine and above to a trip to countryside. Which meant Alex being 10 would have to go as well. At first he refused to leave me alone and go, but I did not want to be an obstacle in his way of enjoying his life to the fullest. And hence I assured him that he could go ahead and enjoy and that I would be perfectly fine.

I bid him farewell and went inside. the orphanage wasn't something that you would call home but I was grateful enough that they had kindly accepted me and not abandoned me like my parents did. I never knew who my parents were and hence nor do I have any family name. I was left at the door step of the orphanage like some parcel left by the postman. The matron Mrs. Hoopch named me Amelia after a co-worker that used to work in the orphanage who had died few months ago before my arrival. It wasn't the best place but at least I had a roof over my head. And I guess I wouldn't change the situation for the world if it meant I would never have been able to meet Alex.

I slowly walked through the long passageway with a book in my hand to the backyard. I would usually read my books here since this is where I would find most solitude. Anybody rarely ever came here except sometimes the Matron. But of course that day had to be different. I reached the backyard and sat down on my usual spot beneath a shady tree and started reading peacefully. That's when I heard the opening and closing of the door. At first I thought it was the Matron, but then a familiar voice that certainly did not belong to Mrs Hoopch called out to me.

"Hey look what we have here. It's the Freak." Ronaldo shouted and the others snickered.

I tried to ignore them but one of his 'gang' member snatched away the book from me and tore it off into pieces. I got up from my place and decided to head back inside when someone stuck up its leg before I could take another step and I fell with my face facing the ground.

"Your brother isn't here to save your day Freak." Ronaldo spat while the others laughed.

"Please let me go. What have i ever done to you?" I asked while getting up and brushing off the mud.

"We do not need a reason to treat you the way we do. You deserve it Freak. No wonder your parents threw you here and no wonder nobody seems interested to take you in." It was true. Alex and I had been the longest here, almost ever since birth in my case. Though few people had offered to take Alex in but he would refuse to go without me. And well nobody truly wanted me, whatever the reason maybe. While almost everyone in the orphanage knew the reason for why they were left without any family including Alex, i was the only one who knew nothing about my so-called family whatsoever. Hell i din't even know my freaking family name. But I wouldn't let Ronaldo get me. Not this time.

"It's rich coming out of your mouth seeing you have been here for quite some years now." I said gritting my teeth.

Ronaldo was taken aback by my sudden comeback since usually in these situations i would keep my head down and let them bully me or let Alex take over.

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