The Prank

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The time to return to Hogwarts had come. The twins, Amelia and Alex were bidding goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Prewett on platform 9 3/4 and Mrs. Prewett had turned on to her emotional mode. She was cying rivers like there was no tomorrow, like she was sending them off to some battlefield. They all calmed her down and promised to write letters more frequently to which Amelia groaned inwardly. Since her first year till now it was always her who would write letters to Mrs. Prewett under her as well as her brothers name. More letters meant that she would have to write not only her but there letters as well and send them off. At that very moment all she could wish was hexing them to oblivion. Once Mrs. Prewett had calmed down and the first warning of Hogwarts Express soon leaving the platform had been shot, they scurried towards the train, dropped there luggage and went to search for an empty compartment, finding which, was next to impossible.

"Honestly you three, I will not be writing your letters this year. You will have to write them by yourself." Amelia scowled at them.

"What! But we promised mum we will write more to her."

"And that you will. I will write my own share of extra letters. There is no way in hell am I going to do all of it this time. I am dead serious."

"We will see." Alex muttered under his breath but loud enough for the other three to hear to which Amelia glared daggers at him.

After fifteen minutes of running up and down the train to find an empty compartment, they settled for one where Peter Pettigrew a fellow classmate of Amelia and one of the four marauders sat occupying the compartment alone. Amelia had no wish to sit wish either with Potter or Black, but seeing that her brothers won't agree to sit anywhere else with other housemates especially Slytherins (much to her annoyance) and also it was only Peter, she agreed. Even though her brothers wouldn't breath a word against her house during her presence, she knew they hated everyone in her house except for her. Gryffindor and Slytherin rivalry was not uncommon and she was glad that at least in front of her they would keep there mouth shut and not blurt out any kind of snarky comment towards her house. Amelia loved her house no matter what. Yes she had to go through some prejudices in the beginning but it was also people from her house who had come to her aid like Andromeda Black or her best friend Emma Vanity. And as time passed there comments now reduced to only sneers at her which she didn't mind at all. At times they had tried to insult her brothers calling them blood-traitors or mudblood making her loose her temper and ending up hexing them. She had to serve detention for it and was glad they had to do as well. It was mostly Malfoy, Avery, Mulciber, Yaxley and few others who would act in such a way. With time she had learnt to ignore them and there foul use of words pretending that they were non-existent.

As far as Peter was concerned he and Amelia had been acquaintances seeing he was Remus's friend and the only one she could tolerate. They had exchanged few words here and there, occasionally helping each other out with homework but nothing more.

"Don't you have a Prefect meeting Alex?" Amelia questioned more like reminded him of his meeting as she was sure he had to attend one and was ten minutes late for it. Alex started rummaging his pockets for his prefect batch remembering that he had completely forgotten about it.

"Honestly, sometimes i wonder if Mcgonagall was right in her head to make you a prefect!"

"And she sound like Molly now."

"Believe us, the poor boy has already heard that a lot."

"I was made a prefect because Mcgonagall exactly knew how bright and responsible i am which unfortunately you three fail to recognise." Alex proudly commented pinning his shining batch on his robes. "Now if I didn't know better i would say you three were jealous. Goodbye." And with that he skidded off running towards the Prefect's compartment. The three shook there heads in amusement while Peter who was watching this sat there bewildered.

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