The Dream

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It was pitch black, time perhaps around mid-night. There was no moon shining or stars twinkling as if they had hidden themselves from witnessing anything that was to take place. The villagers had gathered around at the center of the village. It was a small village surrounded by a very dark forest and small water valleys. Animal attacks were the common. Some of the people gathered around were anxious while the others were laughing. But there laughs made a chill run down her spine. Amelia moved forward to find put what the commotion was about. This time she was determined to reach the center spot. This time she will find out what these villagers were laughing and anxious about. She slowly made her way towards the square, the villagers completely unaware of her presence. It was as though she was some ghost. They wouldn't answer her nor would they even cast a glance towards her.

Amelia could see the silhouette of a man who was almost six feet tall with a flambeau in his right hand while the left was pointing towards something. She couldn't make out what the man was pointing towards for it was blocked by people. Amelia tried to move forwards but for some strange reason she couldn't. It was as though some invisible wall was blocking her from seeing something horrible. And it was just then she heard blood curling screams. The screams pierced her heart making a hole into it. She didn't know why but she felt as if the screaming were of someone she knew. She wanted to break through this invisible wall, wanted to know what was wrong, what had happened and who was it who was screaming. She wanted to stop the screams.

"Please PLEASE help them. Somebody HELP them." Amelia didn't know what to do. The screams were only increasing and her heart was pounding as loud as a drum. She couldn't take the screams anymore. She wanted to curse herself for being so helpless. She wanted the screams to finish. She couldn't understand why the people around her were only standing  and watching, not helping. Maybe it was because only she could hear the screams. Amelia looked at the people around her and she wished she hadn't. By there expressions it was clear that they could not only hear but witness the scene as well. There eyes were blazing with fire. She could not feel her legs. How can these people be so cruel, she thought. Amelia fell on her knees, her cheeks were now red from all the crying she had done which she didn't even realise up until now. She let out a blood curling scream which showed more agonising pain than the screams before, for it was the scream of helplessness. Someone that she knew was in pain and she couldn't do anything but watch the event unfold. She screamed like there was no tomorrow begging the people around her for help. But it all fell to deaf ears.

And then all of a sudden she felt as though her body was thrown in some cold water body. Amelia jolted awake from her sleep or rather nightmare. She was entirely dripping from cold water. Fabian had done it again. He had once again thrown cold water on her.

"FABIAN!" Amelia screamed "Oh you better hide you git. I am going to strangle you!" Amelia quickly freshened up and changed herself into a dry pair of PJ and a tank top. She rushed downstairs to the main hall. Mr. and Mrs. Prewett along with Molly had gone early in the morning to make preparations for Molly and Arthur's wedding. The wedding was finally taking place after a long wait and Amelia was beyond excited but as of now she was raging with anger. She will not leave Fabian this time no matter how much he tries to butter her up.

"Where is that git!" Gideon who was reading the Daily Prophet silently pointed towards the broom cupboard.

"Sorry dear sister, can't tell you." Gideon said.

"Oh it's alright, i will find him by my own." Amelia winked at him, silently walking towards the broom cupboard and opened the door. As soon as he saw Amelia, his smile dropped. Amelia pulled him out of the broom cupboard by his ear towards the dining hall.

"You arse, I trusted you." Fabian accused him to which Gideon merely shrugged his shoulders.

"Can't miss the fun, now can we Alex."

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