Wedding Bells

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The day of wedding was finally upon, which was just a week before the end of summer holidays. Everyone at the Prewett household, that is everyone who stayed behind were frantically moving up and down, getting ready for the wedding so that they could reach the destination early and help Mr. and Mrs. Prewett and Molly. The wedding was to take place at a marriage garden owned by an elderly wizard. While Alex, Fabian and Gideon had stayed behind willingly, Amelia had only stayed because Molly didn't trust Bill with the three boys and had said that there was no way he would let the three take care of Bill. So to ensure Molly and give her all the time she would need to get ready for her wedding, stayed behind.

"Alex you are sleeping, again! Get up! We will be late. Oh and A very happy b'day to you." Amelia said smiling sheepishly for almost forgetting to wish him.

"Thank you sis. But I do expect a present." Alex muttered sleepily, rubbing his eyes and smiling widely.

"It's on your bed stand. Placed it last night and for god sake Alex you are not sleeping again." She nearly shouted exasperated on waking the three of them again and again. "Ohhhh no, I don't hear any sound coming from upstairs. Those two! They have slept in again. Seriously the three of you are worse than Bill. Could you please go and wake them up Alex!" Amelia bellowed, clearly annoyed as it felt like she was babysitting the three more than Bill himself. "And if i see any of you three dozing off again, I swear on Merlin, I won't give a damn to underage restriction on use of magic and hex you all. I am going to get Bill ready." And with that she stormed towards Bill's room leaving Alex wide and awake.

"No wonder she was sorted into Slytherin."

The marriage garden was indeed a very beautiful one with varieties of flowers growing over it with a fountain placed what it seemed right in the middle of the garden. It was astounding how the gardener had managed to keep gnomes, flesh-eating slugs and bundimun at bay, something that they would see a lot at the Prewett's lawn during Summer and Christmas holidays. It was still too early in the morning, the sun at its crack of dawn. The wedding was to take place during the sunset but they had decided to arrive early at the location to help with the decorations and other preparations. The garden had a cottage where the Prewetts and Weasleys had decided to stay on the day of wedding.

"Ahhh you guys are here. Molly has been waiting for you Amelia, couldn't sleep the whole night due to nervousness I guess. Come 'on there is lot of work to be done." Mr. Prewett mused with a warm smile. "And don't give me that face, I want no lazy attitudes today."

As they walked towards the cottage, Amelia couldn't help but be absorbed by the thoughts of her parents. She didn't know why but somehow this marriage had reminded her of her parents. It wasn't the memories, no, because she had none instead it was the fact that she was craving to know something about them. She never wanted to know anything about her parents. Amelia always considered that they left her because it was easier this way and if in future she ever came across the same fact it wouldn't hurt, since she hadn't kept up any hope. But now, as of this moment she was wishing she had found out something about them. Thinking of her parents made her wonder of her dreams or 'vision' according to Gideon, which hadn't stopped either. It was same dream that she had been seeing over and over again during her summer vacations. Amelia would find herself wide and awake in the middle of the night drenched with sweat, her ears would be ringing with the same ear piercing screams and her mind would be playing flashes of her dream preventing her from sleeping any further. She would stay wide awake contemplating what it meant. And with time passing by, they were only becoming more and more frequent. She had decided that once they would reach Hogwarts, she would ask Slughorn to help her brew dreamless potion.

As they neared the cottage Amelia found the cottage rather small for accommodation of both the families. The cottage seemed to have maximum two rooms and not more than that. She was confused how the two families will be lodging in such a small cottage. She turned to face the twins and Alex and from there incredulous expression she was sure they were thinking the same. But all there doubts were  dispersed as soon as they entered the small, brightly lit, homely cottage.

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