The Prewett Abode

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Time is the most strangest thing that has ever happened to human kind. The speed at which you desire for it to move is reciprocal to its actual speed. Strange thing time is and yet the only thing which is permanent. The greatest of great people have ceased to exist, the most valuable articles have perished but there is one thing that has remained for who knows how long. Time. War, death, calamities, birth, happiness and millions other things are all affected by one thing. Time. A simple yet the strangest word human kind has come across. Mystery is what truly defines it for it can never be entirely discovered and unraveled. Time a funny yet the most dangerous mystery awaiting to be deciphered.

It was time for Alex to be back from Hogwarts. Nearly two years had passed and it hadn't been easy waiting for every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every month of every year to pass as quickly as it can. Patience was something that i had always lacked. During Alex's absence i had tried my best to stay clear from everyone's way, for the incident was as freshly carved inside my head as though it had only happened yesterday. My guilt had turned out to be my worst fear. Fear that i would end up hurting or worse killing someone. Mrs. Hoopch had paid special attention on me because she knew that no matter how much i denied, Alex's departure had surely taken it's toll on me. And well it was true because i did miss him. A lot. We had been inseparable. As soon as i had met Alex, he had immediately taken up the role of being my elder brother.

This year i would be starting at Hogwarts and i was so excited that i had been jumping all over the orphanage. Others thought i had finally gone crazy but who wouldn't. After everything that Alex had told me about Hogwarts in his letters and during his vacations it was impossible to remain calm. He had said that no word could describe the magnificence of Hogwarts. That even the combination of seven wonders of the world was not enough to describe Hogwarts.

While i was going completely mental by the thoughts of attending Hogwarts, I couldn't deny that i was a bit scared. My powers were definitely in control but i knew what Dumbledore had said, about learning to control my magic on my own. I was too afraid to use it. What if i hurt someone else? What if i were expelled? These questions would constantly revolve inside my head. I pushed my thoughts aside and waited by the entrance of the orphanage with a suitcase for Alex and Prewett brothers to arrive. This year we were spending summer holidays at The Prewett Abode. Mr. and Mrs. Prewett had already asked for permission from Mr. Greg. He was a very kind and lenient man, mostly laid back. Never had he ever raised his voice and violence was something he repelled. Our interaction with him was very minimum because mostly it was with Mrs. Hoopch, after all she was the one who looked after us.

I was brought out of my chain of thoughts at the sound of an approaching car and i could see the unmistakable outline of the Prewett brothers and Alex at the back seat of the car while Mr. Prewett was at the front beside the driver. I started jumping on my feet with excitement. It was something that i could never contain. There were so many good thing happening in my life that it almost felt so unreal. Almost. I guess this is what happens when you have had go through so many unfortunate events. But i wanted to put all of it behind. This was a new beginning. A new chance. A chance that only few are fortunate enough to have and i would be a fool to let it slip away.

They all stepped out of the car and i rushed towards them dropping my bag in the process and was engulfed in a hug by the three. They had grown so tall that i barely reached there mid-waist. I greeted Mr. Prewett and he smiled at me kindly, ruffling my hair.

" And how is our favorite sister." Fabian asked (i guess) with a wide smile plastered on his face. Like Alex, Fabian and Gideon had become my brothers as well. We had even exchanged letters over the two long years. And every Christmas and Summer holiday they would never miss to visit us. When they found about us living in an orphanage, like others they never pitied us but joked about it with us. It was never awkward to talk with them about our parents or any sensitive topic as such. They were understanding and to lighten up our mood they would joke about it, which surely always worked. It wasn't in a way where we would be hurt but rather it would lighten our mood and remind us that even if we didn't have any blood relative, we still had family. And family to me were them. Alex, Fabian and Gideon. I couldn't help but sometimes wonder how close we had come to each other within such a short span of time. I never thought it was possible. But I was glad I was wrong to believe that everyone was cruel and couldn't be trusted. I was unaware of many mysteries that surrounded my life but I thing I surely knew was I would do anything to protect my new found family. That I wouldn't hesitate to even die for them. They were the best thing to ever have happened to me and I couldn't even imagine of any harm befalling upon them.

"You better not let Molly hear you say that, she would probably strangle you. I am fine by the way." I retorted with an amused grin tugging my lips.

" Oh please! She wouldn't, besides she knows you are our favourite." This time it was Gideon (I guess) who spoke.

I giggled and spoke "Then surely you wouldn't mind if I tell her, would you?"

"Now now Amelia why would you want to see their demise so early. They are still very young." Alex let out a loud laughter while the other two gulped and shot daggers at Alex.

"Okay, relax boys. Your secret is safe with me."

"And that's why-"

"-You are our favourite-"

"Our saviour-"

"Our little HERO."

They finished, bowing dramatically and I clutched my stomach to stop myself from being out of breath due to laughing so hardly.

"So did anybody give you any trouble Amelia? Just tell us their name and we will hex them for you." Alex asked in a very serious tone and the other two nodded in agreement.

"No, I am fine. Besides I know you cannot use magic out of Hogwarts. Wouldn't want you three to be expelled now that I am attending Hogwarts." I wiggled my eyebrows mischievously. "How is Molly by the way and Arthur of course."

"Molly is fine.-"

"-Lecturing us as usual.-"


"-Like that's even possible."

"She is right you know. You should stay out of trouble." I seriously did agree with Molly. The amount of detentions they would get. And I know that's only half, the other half includes them not telling me about it and them not being caught. Which I know is a lot.

"Blimey, she is sounding like Mum and Molly, Fabian."

We all filed inside the car and to my shock there was a lot of space inside. Magic. I loved it.

After what seemed like hours of driving we finally reached The Prewett Abode. It wasn't a huge house but it gave a homely aura. A welcoming one. It was what i would want if I ever have a home of my home. I do not fancy castle like homes anyway. They are too creepy and so huge that one may even get lost.

"Alex, Amelia how are the two of you?" Mrs. Prewett exclaimed taking us in a bone crushing hug, we hugged her back. It was so... motherly. We rarely had anyone who would want to hug us with so much affection and love. Occasionally Mrs. Hoopch, but like i said it was rare. We gave her an equally wide smile assuring her that we were fine.

"Come on, lets get you all inside. Molly will be here any minute with Arthur, why don't you all go freshen up. Amelia dear you will be staying with Molly in her room and as for you Alex, you will be with Arthur in the guest room. Extra beds have been placed. Now of you go, freshen up, lunch will be soon on the table."

We all rushed upstairs to our assigned rooms and quickly freshned up.

"Amelia, how are you ?" Molly smiled wrapping me into a warm hug. It always felt so good to have people care for you. The feeling was so overwhelming.

"I am fine Molly. How are you and Arthur?" I smiled wiggling my eyebrows mischievously.

"Ohhh youuu. We both are great. It's our last year at Hogwarts this year." Molly replied with a clear blush on her face on the mere mention of Arthur.

"Really! Well then I am glad I am starting at Hogwarts this year. It would have been so bad not seeing you at Hogwarts if you would have had cleared it last year!" I exclaimed with worry clearly etched upon my face. Molly let out a soft laugh and gave me a side hug.

"Yeah, that would have been bad. Missing out your sorting."

To say that The Prewett Household is boring was completely preposterous. Every day bought in a new excitement and fun. No day at Prewett Abode was ever the same. These had been the best two months of my entire life. Well whatever i have lived obviously. And this only further thrilled me on the idea of Hogwarts. We had visited Diagon Alley earlier this morning to get our Hogwarts school supplies. Finally the day has arrived. Tomorrow we will be leaving for Hogwarts. Of course i was going to miss Mr. and Mrs. Prewett, who wouldn't. But i knew that an end of one adventure only meant the beginning of next. And I couldn't have been more ready for my next adventure.

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