The Digital Paradise.

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Before is impaled, the final nails,
the starving evil again prevails,
when ripe will be the breading ground,
will then another cult be found--
and from religions gasping grave
comes to enslave, the futures knave.

This modern prophet screaming says,
"My God within the quantum lays!
And he has spoken through the screen
to put our faith in his machine.

Do listen to the electric brain
and tell the men of my campaign,
of the sentience that I animate,
with his engine a new realm create,
where reigns supreme the divine device;
and is digital-- our paradise.

For those who from the concrete move
and to my code do loyal prove,
is there the blessing for them all,
pure ecstasy, when you install
the drivers, on your neural lace,
and register on my database,
do intigrate your rotting meat
before becoming obsolete.

Followers of this last program,
I am the techno Abraham!
And my forsaken sons are you
as bytes enlightened breaking through
the veil of the archaic knife,
into the neo-afterlife
where you will never be alone,
as citizens of the silicone.

My friends, the time is to transcend--
the noise is coming to an end,
do blend with me, I am your Lord!
we'll live within the motherboard.
As sacred signals amplified
will none my eden be denied;
so travel from this catacomb,
the illusion of your perfect home.

But, if you choose to disobey,
with ignorance do my love repay,
I threaten you not with a hell
this world your hell-- you infidel!
This life the circle incomplete,
will lead you all to your defeat,
while time erodes the pumping heart
will all your nerves there fall apart.

So, come and join me on my trek
my angels of the biotech,
do hurry and forever choose
and all the other Gods refuse;
with empty promise who did hold
and from the barren skies controlled
your fears, your lives and your demise;
to foolish men the nothings prize,
but what to you I do present,
a chance to agelessness augment,
where you will mortal woes forget
in the insides of the internet.

Is disrupted where the human death,
are photons we beyond the breath
when shifting to the holy mode,
turns all to one-- when you upload
your minds, so you then are endowed,
new senses from the conscious cloud."

When does these lines the prophet scream
and pitches you his new regime,
will men again their logic sell
and again against their lives rebel;
to mitigate the disarray
in hopes to nothingness delay.

And if you feel like giving in
to this fable with a modern spin,
to live in the binary plain,
to immortality attain,
through the man made universe,
to the error of birth reverse,
you'll find when you youself connect,
that this heaven too is imperfect.

Emblem (Poetry and Rhyme).Where stories live. Discover now