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Has went astray the butterfly,
she ponders on the garden blues,
the looping voice calls her to try
reluctant heaven's mass abuse.
Hymns controlled compose the rose,
laddered prayers --the singing band,
while pleads the sky to raw impose;
to scare, to plague, and then command!
Emblem lives that advanced the bough
now masquerade the shrinking shade,
who cares for this deceptive show,
the imprisoned insects serenade?

Changing nature bringing spring
is shifting through the season's fraud,
is in the flight her love for things,
it matters how which giving god?
Joy, went astray the butterfly!
The heiress to the courtless tree,
the winds have asked to keep the sky
in silent hid --this tragedy.
She rests upon the hill of view
far from the grounded life demands,
the vibrating will is leading through,
elemental rhythm understand!

Inherent critters citing proes,
devoted field's abhorrent deal,
does too the soil a lie compose;
Creator's bluff the kind appeal?
Inspiring things the playful wings,
contesting, flaunting, teaching skills;
fluently modern freedom sings,
while sights upon the furthest hill.
Her motions weight does advocate
to now force and friction amplify,
so might this thought a world create,
and lead astray her butterfly.

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