Chapter 2 - home sweet home

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During the long ride with my cousin, I start to get antsy.

"We will be there soon," Gia says, noticing my model-length legs twitch with anticipation

"After all that happened," I sigh, having flash backs from the horror, "after seeing them do that to him," I look out the window, the street is lined with packed houses, and I wonder if their lives where as fucked as mine.

"We have to find you a bell'uomo to fuck eh?" she turns to me and smiles, her blonde hair and blue eyes looking more out of the ordinary than me, the American, in the middle of Turin.

"You have to drop the Italian words, Gia. You know I don't know a lick of that shit." I realize that I shouldn't be snapping at her, since she is taking me into hiding. But, who I fuck is my personal business. But, she is right. I need a hot Italian to whisper dirty, foreign things in my ear to make me forget the world. My body ached to be dominated but I know I have to lay low.

"We need to go shopping tomorrow," Gia pulls the small yellow Fiat up the driveway. I only visited here once as a kid, when my mom was still alive. She wanted to visit her sister, Gia's mom. Little did we know that would be the last time my extended family would see her alive.

"Can we get clubbing clothes?" I look down at my own attire. Although my dad's profession allowed me to wear the top designers, I stuck with Target brand clothing to mask my fortune. "I need some high end stuff. This cheap cotton is wearing at my skin." My body type is clearly made to be shown off in high end attire. Although my dad was a short and chubby American, I got all of   my mom's looks. She was an Italian model before marrying my father for his fortune, clearly she didn't know he got it by slinging all sorts of drugs, or did she? I inherited her brown hair that was streaked with sun-kissed amber and golden eyes that shone against my tanned skin. Like her, I grew to be 5'10, a perfect model height, but I never pursued the career. After my mom died when I was 7, my father kept me pretty close, not wanting me to fall into the same fate as my mother.

Gia put the car in park outside of the garage. Just as I remembered, the house is beautiful. It sits a bit up a hill, overlooking part of the town below it. But, as things are in Turin, the higher up the mountain's you go, the more extravagant and beautiful the houses are. My cousin's parents did rather well for themselves, owing many small businesses in the town that got to them to where they are.

"Tonight, bella, we are going to La Fontana. It's a really exclusive club but trust me the men are delizioso." Again, the Italian translation slips into her vocabulary. I spent enough time living in Miami to learn Spanish almost fluently, and Italian and Spanish were close enough that I could make out the words.

"I don't care who they are, I just want them to make me forget myself and only focus on their bodies." Yeah I was hungry, and it was for an Italian specialty.

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