Chapter 3 - New town, New Me

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Gia and I carry our bags up the winding sandstone stairs of my new home. Getting home from our most recent shopping trip, we sure have a lot to carry. She puts her key into the door and swings the wide, beautifully polished door open, revealing an entrance that could have been in Ancient Rome.

"Finalmente tornato?" My aunt asks us, which I recognize as a jab about how along we spent at the shops.

"Sì" I answer my aunt, placing my many bags on the counter. I remove my sunglasses and rimmed hat, knowing this will become my usual attire for a while.

On the counter is a fresh jug of lemonade, a staple in my aunt's house and I remember that from when I last visited as a little girl. I pour myself a tall glass, drinking it down. I look around the house, admiring the stone and drapes, the decorations making it seem like a little villa you'd see in Ancient Rome. I finish the lemonade, admiring the way it cools down my perspiring body. I pick up my bags, full of an entirely new wardrobe, and carry it to my room.

It's just Gia and my aunt living here, my uncle passed last year from heart failure. They have a guest bedroom that my parents and I stayed in when we visited, and my aunt has converted it into a room fit for a girl like me who just turned twenty. I always loved this room because it was the best room in the house. Being tall, the house had many floors but this floor was specifically for a guest. I have my own floor. It's way smaller than the other floors but at least I have my own bathroom that I already claimed by covering it in my dozens of makeup products.

I silently thank my aunt for choosing this house, I love how that I need to go up a stone stairway to get to my floor, making it seem more cut off from the world. I open my bedroom door, a heavy, beautiful light wood like the front door to the house. The natural light in my room hit me, and my face lights up, there's nothing like natural light

This house was old, very old, and the sand-colored stones show it. I feel like I'm in a castle, and I know I keep repeating it but I can't believe it.

I toss my bags on my king-sized bed and start stripping, overheated from the day shopping.

I go to my window and look out. My room faces the town and my eyes are overwhelmed with color. Although there is a common theme of that sand-colored stone, Turin is one of the most colorful places I've ever seen.

 People hang their laundry between the houses, brightly colored flowers decorate window sills, much like mine. I open my windows, the wooden paneled glass creaking slightly. I return back to my mirror, taking off layer by layer. I strip the shorts off my waist, dropping them down my legs. I admire myself in the mirror. 

I'm not shallow, but I know that I could have been a model, although I would never want to. My legs are thin, but not too skinny to be concerning. Being 5'10, I know that my legs are most of my height, just like my mother.

Next, I take off my white cotton tee shirt, just leaving my body in a bra and panties. Again, I admire myself. My thin waist only looks smaller because of the size of my breasts and hips. I am blessed with a full chest, filling out a 32 C with no problem, and I certainly take my mom's curve because of the size of my backside. 

I know I'm blessed to have a body like this. My eyes trail up my tanned skin, observing the flat plane of my stomach, and up to my slender neck. Looking at my face, I am reminded of actually how much of my mother I inherited. God, I'm so conceited.

My dad always said her and I looked identical, but I don't remember much of her before she was killed. I remember her eyes, a kind gold color that warmed my heart. I smile at myself, looking into my own golden eyes and seeing herself in me.

I snap out of my fantasy as there was a sharp knock on my door.

"Ally, are we going out tonight?" i could hear my cousin knocking on the door, then turning the knob and she walked in. "Damn, Ally!" She stands in the doorway, eyeing me. Gia was a year older than me, and I already knew her and I would be closer than sisters.

I laugh, picking up my cotton tee shirt and putting it over my chest. "I really want to go out tonight, but what about me staying hidden?" I ask her, knowing I can't reveal my identity. I should be safe here in Italy, but for the beginning portion of my stay here, I have to lay low.

"We will give you a new name, say you're from Mexico or something because of your spanish skills, You took a trip with your family for a week, no one will ask any questions." Gia didn't look at me as she tells me my cover story. She walks to my bed an starts looking through my purchases.

Gia gasps, and I turn around to look at her. "You HAVE to wear this tonight!" Gia giddily held up a tiny black dress I bought, and she holds up the matching black heels I also bought. "Black is so classic," she keeps bubbling on. "Guy's love a woman in a little black dress. And with legs like yours, every man will want you!"

My cousin rushes over to the mirror with me, holding the outfit up to my well-toned body. "Its decided!" she cheers, "now I have to go pick out my outfit."

I laugh as she sprints out of the room and down the stairs, all I could see of her was a flash of blonde hair. I found it odd that I inherited more stereotypical Italian properties than she did. 

Then again, her father was german and had blonde hair and blue eyes also. But, like my mother's sister, her mom, she inherited the beauty. My cousin modeled when she was a child, and could model now too if she wanted. 

She is built just like me. Tall, only an inch or two shorter than me, and toned. Although she had a smaller chest, her body is still so beautiful. Her blue eyes are very contrasting to her lightly tan skin, causing her eyes to stand out no matter what she is wearing. She also has the biggest heart, like my aunt. 

It is so kind of them to take me in, where would I be without them?

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