Chapter 10 - The Storm Before the Calm

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If it wasn't for Vincenzo, I wouldn't be alive

It's so good being home. While in the hospital, I really missed my aunt and cousin. My feet are still tender, but the doctors took out the stitches yesterday.

Slowly, as the cuts heal, I begin to forget the trauma I went through. 

I can't believe that a week ago, I was in the hospital waking up to Vincenzo's face and the image of this brother.

I still wonder about his brother. Why did he have a faint "R" tattoo? I hope it was just a coincidence or a drug hallucination and he isn't a part of the Rebel Rally. Either way, I am suspicious of Luca. 

I miss the stone walls of my room. Laying in my bed, I admire the sand colored stone that surrounds me. The sun shines against them, lighting up my personal space, making my time alone in my room feel less empty.

The sun shines specifically on a bouquet of white roses on my night stand, I didn't notice them before and my cousin must have left them when I fell asleep last night.

I carefully step towards the flowers, being gentle on my tender feet, not wanting to harm the slowly healing cuts from the glass. 

There is a white card stuck among the similarly colored roses, and I grab at the card stock. 

I notice the familiar gold lettering on the card and it hits me that the letter wasn't left by my relatives.

"Heal fast, bella, you need to be ready for our time together soon" the gold lettering states, clearly from Vincenzo.

My heart swells, knowing he cares a lot about me. I mean, what guy would track their girl's phone to check if they're ok?

Actually, that concerns me.I've spent my whole life staying hidden and now someone can easily get my location from my phone.

But, my location wasn't shared with him, how did he get my location?

I'm really worried now, I get back on my bed and hold the golden gilded card.  How did he figure that out? More importantly why do my feet need to be healed before our next date?

God, I hope its sex I need the stress reliever so badly. 

Suddenly, Gia bursts in my room.

"Ally!" Her chipper mood lifts my own dark spirits. "I'm go glad you're okay, you had me and my mom so worried, honestly we don't know what we would do without you-"

She stops suddenly when she notices me wincing from her loud voice.

"Geez I'm sorry," she quickly sits next to me and talks in a hushed tone, placing a glass of water on my nightstand. 

"I'm not going to ask what happened but," she takes a deep breath, "I have to ask, are we all safe, like you, me, and my mom?" She looks at me with such concern.

All I can do is nod, not wanting to explain anything to her. She and my aunt know loosely about the drug cartel and the murder of my father and mother, but the less they know the better.

"You know," I smirk at her, "Vincenzo has a brother."

Her eyes light up as she looks at me. "A brother?" She questions, "is he cute?"

I nod, affirming her suspicions. "Got that bad boy vibe too," I laugh, thinking back to Luca.

But again, my mind is flooded with the image of the fade "R" tattoo. I know he can't be part of the same drug cartel that killed my father. I know they are huge in Miami but theres no way their influence could have stretched this far.

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