Chapter 10: Salamence and Altaria

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You were woken up early the next morning by Colress. You could tell by the look on his face that he was concerned about something. He seemed nervous and confused, but also a little bit excited. "[Y/n]! Wake up! It's important!" He said. "It's too early for this..." You said, and tried to fall back asleep. "You don't understand." Colress said. "My Altaria just laid an egg, and I think your Salamence is a dad now."

You jumped out of bed, and saw that he was right. Colress' Altaria had made a nest out of pillows and blankets, and in the center of it, there was a single, blue egg, with speckles on it. Salamence was pacing around, instinctively looking for food to feed the new Pokémon which would soon hatch. Altaria sat down on the egg, so she could keep it warm.

Colress' Altaria looked exhausted, which was understandable since she had just laid an egg. Salamence seemed pretty proud that he was going to be a father. You pet him, and gave him a Rainbow Pokébean you'd been saving. He took it from your hand, and gave it to Altaria. You had never seen him share his food before, especially if it was a Rainbow Pokébean.

"Maybe we should leave them alone for a little while..." Colress said. "I know this restaurant we can go to in Malie City. It's called Sushi High Roller." You agreed that it sounded like a good idea, and walked over to Malie City.

When you got inside, you asked for a table for two. "I need a table for two for this couple over here," the server said to the waitress. "W-Wait no! It's not like that!" You said to him. But before you knew it, you ended up having a candlelit dinner with Colress.

You were both pretty quiet for a while, but then Colress said, "I can't believe my Pokémon is going to be a parent... I'm really happy for her, but I'm also pretty sad that's she's growing up so fast..." You responded, "I know how you feel. But at least our Pokémon are happy." Colress smiled. "Y'know, they're actually kind of cute together."

You said to him, "What do you think their baby's going to look like?" Colress answered, "I'm not really sure. It could be another Bagon or a Swablu. But either way, he or she is going to be adorable."

You asked Colress, "Wait, I just thought of something. If both of our Pokémon are the parents, then which trainer does the Pokémon belong to?" Colress replied, "I know this sounds pretty selfish of me, but would it be alright if I was the Pokémon's trainer?" You quickly answered, "No, that's not selfish of you. It would be fine if you raised it." Colress was beaming with happiness. He was going to say something, but he was interrupted from an ear-splitting crash that came from outside.

You and Colress ran outside to see what it was. A creature made of shadows emerged from a distant world. People started panicking and screaming, and ran for their lives. The creature looked like it was in pain, so you walked up to it to see if it was okay.

The people shouted things as you got closer to the creature.

"Are you nuts?"

"She's going to get herself killed!"

"You must be insane."

But you ignored them and walked up to the creature anyways. You felt drawn to it somehow, and it felt like this was the right thing to do. The creature seemed to be begging for your               Z-Crystals, so you gave it the Rockium Z you had gotten from Olivia's trial. The creature absorbed the light from the Z-Crystal, until it was just an ordinary rock. The creature flew away, until you could no longer see it anymore.

A man in a trench coat came running up to you, followed by a woman with lilac hair. "Is it true that you interacted with Necrozma just now?" The strange man asked. Colress looked at him and asked, "Hold on a second. Who are you anyways?"

The man said, "I am an officer of the International Police Force. I cannot tell you my real name, but my code name is Looker. And this is Anabel." He said, referring to the woman with lilac hair. "Now for the safety of Alola, please tell me. Did you interact with Necrozma just now?" You nodded and wondered why he was making such a big deal about a Pokémon.

"How come you want to know if I interacted with a Pokémon or not?" You asked Looker. "Necrozma is the most dangerous Ultra Beast of them all. The more light it consumes, the more powerful it gets. When threatened, it will instantly vaporize anyone within a twenty-foot radius. But certain people have the ability to interact with it without getting hurt. You seem to be one of those few." He answered. This guy sure talked a lot.

"There isn't much time left though. You need to wave this around in the air to attract Necrozma." He said, handing you a Z-Crystal. "It can't be too far away now, but we need to get it back here before it causes too much damage. But I'm not sure what we'll do once it gets here, because it's far too powerful to fight, after all the light it absorbed. There's no way we'll be able to catch it either."

"Actually, that just might be possible." Colress said. He held a Master Ball in his hand that he had stolen from Ghetsis three years ago. "This ball can catch any Pokémon without fail." Looker faced you and said, "You'll only get one shot at this. Are you ready to catch it?" You nodded, even though you weren't prepared at all.

You waved the Z-Crystal in the air, and a few minutes later, Necrozma appeared. It hovered over to you, so it could absorb the light from the crystal. You threw the Z-Crystal at it, and while it was busy consuming the light, you threw the Master Ball at it. The ball twitched three times, and then it clicked.

Looker walked over to you and said, "Nice job. Not everyone can catch a legendary Pokémon, you know. Feel free to keep Necrozma. It should no longer be hostile to people or their Pokémon now that it's with you." Anabel looked over at you and said, "Maybe your Z-Crystals are the reason it wouldn't attack you. There's still a lot more left to learn about Necrozma. Hopefully we'll meet again someday, and further unravel this mystery." Then they walked away.

Colress said to you, "Wow. I can't believe you just caught a legendary! We should go check on the egg again, and see how our Pokémon are doing." So you went back to the hotel with him, and noticed that the egg had already hatched.

A tiny Bagon was sitting by Altaria and Salamence. "Is it alright if I hold your baby?" Colress asked. Both Pokémon nodded with approval. Something about the way Colress held the Pokémon was so adorable. You realized that the Bagon was slightly smaller than Salamence was when he was a baby. "It's a girl." You told Colress. "How can you tell?" He asked. "I just can." You said to him.

"I think we should nickname her Sally." Colress said. "That way, when she becomes a Salamence, her name will be Sally the Salamence." You responded, "Alright, go ahead. She's your Pokémon anyway." Colress pulled a pokéball out of his pocket, and put her in and out of it a few times so she could get used to it. You gave your Salamence an Oran Berry, which he immediately gave to Sally.

(If you don't like the name Sally, you can change it to something else. I just thought it would be kind of cute if Colress gave her a nickname.)

It was starting to get late. You went to bed, and shortly after, Colress joined you. He brought Sally with him, and she curled up between the two of you, just like Salamence did when he was little. You watched Salamence and Altaria fell asleep with each other. Colress was right. They really did make an adorable couple. You fell asleep with the tiny Bagon between your arms...

I just wanted to thank all my readers for helping me reach 100 reads! I wouldn't be able to do all this without you guys!

Love: The Perfect Chemistry ~ Colress x Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now