Chapter 12: The First Kiss

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(Hey guys! I'm uploading early this week because I won't be home on Sunday.)

When you woke up, you were still nestled in Colress' arms... He was awake, but he wasn't moving because he didn't want to wake you up. You leaned against him, and he carefully put his hand around yours. The TV was still turned on, but you barely even noticed. Colress realized you were awake.

"Good morning, [Y/n]," He said, playing with your hair. "I was just wondering if... Maybe you wanted to go out with me tonight?" You stretched and said, "Sure, that sounds great! Where do you want to go?"

"Well, there's this floating restaurant on Poni Island... I can't remember what it's called though." Poni Island? Was there really more left to explore in Alola? "That sounds so cool!" You said to him. "Until then, I think I'm going to complete my Grand Trial. "Alright, have fun!" Colress said.

You took Salamence out of his pokéball, and soared away on him. The last trial on this island was near a place called Po Town. It was pouring, and it was hard to navigate on Salamence during the storm. You frantically knocked on the door of the police station, until a man with gray hair answered the door. "Can I help you?" He asked. "I'm here for my trial." You said to him.

"Come in." He said. "My name's Nanu, by the way. I'm the trial captain of this place. Are you ready to battle or not?" You nodded, and he sent out his first Pokémon, a Sableye. You sent out your Raichu.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You got to attack first, because Raichu was faster. She used Hidden Power, and it was super effective. Sableye used Shadow Ball, and hurt your Pokémon. Raichu used Hidden Power again, and Nanu's Pokémon fainted.

Next, he sent out Krokorok, who used Crunch. Raichu was close to fainting, so you used a Hyper Potion. Nanu's Pokémon used Assurance, and Raichu used Focus Blast. Krokorok fell to the ground, and fainted.

Nanu sent out his last Pokémon, Persian. Persian used her Z-Move, Black Hole Eclipse. Raichu fainted. You sent out Decidueye, and she used Pluck. Persian used Dark Pulse, which really hurt Decidueye. You switched her out, and sent out Arcanine. He used Inferno Overdrive, and Nanu's last Pokémon fainted.


"Nice job, kid." He said, as he gave you a Darkium Z. You walked out of the police station and quickly flew out of the rain. You went back to the hotel where Colress was. "There you are, [Y/n]! We should start heading to Poni Island, because it's pretty far away. Colress put Sally inside of her pokéball, and went outside with Altaria. You let Salamence stay in his ball, so he could take a break.


You landed in Seafolk Village, and instead of buildings, everything was inside of ships. It wasn't quite night yet, so you went to complete one more trial. Colress asked if he could come with you, and you agreed. You got on his Altaria again, and flew to the trial site in the Vast Poni Canyon.

You entered the trial site, but there was no captain. You had a strange feeling that something was watching you... You defeated a lot of Jangmo-o and a couple of Hakamo-o, before walking even further. "I've got a bad feeling about this place..." Colress said, as you grabbed the Z-Crystal off the pedestal.

Suddenly, a giant, 20-foot tall Kommo-o appeared, and you sent out Salamence before the Totem Pokémon could attack. The Kommo-o used Clanging Scales, which almost made Salamence faint with one hit. "Salamence! Use Draco Meteor!" You said, as he used the new move you had taught him. While the Totem Pokémon was recovering, Salamence used Fly, and it was super effective. Kommo-o fainted.

You picked up the Dragonium Z, and flew back to Seafolk Village with Colress. The moon was out now, and thousands of stars shone through the sky. You went to the restaurant Colress had told you about, and asked the server for a table for two.

"Certainly," He said, as he led you to your table. The table had a single candle on it, and two menus. You and Colress both ordered noodles, and waited for your food to arrive. While you were waiting, you stepped out onto the deck of the ship with Colress.

Moonlight shone down from the sky, and you could see your reflection on the crystal clear water. Colress embraced you, and put his arms around you. You leaned in to kiss him, because it just felt so right. Time began to freeze as your lips touched. You wished that it could've lasted forever.

Love: The Perfect Chemistry ~ Colress x Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now