Chapter 16: New Beginnings

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Hey, I know this story has been sort of boring lately, but I promise it will get a lot better soon.

You clutched the egg close to you, and hopped off the boat. Everything was so different here. People were everywhere, running around, and bumping into each other. "Is Unova always this crowded?" You asked Colress. "Nope, but we're in Castelia City! This is the biggest and busiest city in Unova, maybe even in the entire world!" You flew over to the professor's lab, which was located in a small place called Nuvema town. But not before getting a few Casteliacones first.

You saw a large blue building with a sign that read:

Professor Juniper's Pokémon Research Laboratory

"This must be the place." You said. Colress nodded. You remembered how excited you were to get your first Pokémon, and you couldn't wait to do it again. You stepped inside, and saw a brunette girl with a long ponytail that was tucked into her pink and white baseball cap. There was also a boy there, with brown hair and a blue jacket. He was also wearing a baseball cap, but his was red.

"Welcome! My name is Professor Juniper. Everyone calls me the Pokémon Professor. I bet you're all excited to meet your new Pokémon, and they're excited to see you too! So without further ado, here are the Pokémon!" The Professor said, and threw three Pokéballs into the air.

Before Professor Juniper could even introduce the Pokémon, the boy grabbed one off the ground. "Tepig? He's a great choice! He's super friendly and he's determined not to lose! Enjoy your Pokémon!" Juniper said. The boy ran out the door, without even saying thanks.

"Wait! Touya! I haven't even picked my Pokémon yet!" The girl said. "Oh well. He can wait. I'll pick this Pokémon, since it's so cute!" Professor Juniper said, "Oshawott would make an amazing companion! He would be a great friend to travel with!" Juniper said. The girl thanked the professor, and ran off.

You lifted up the last Pokémon, a sassy grass snake with legs and arms. You couldn't believe that no one had picked him yet. "Snivy is an incredible Pokémon!" Juniper said. "He's a just bit stubborn at first, but he is extremely loyal and determined!" You hugged the Pokémon, and it smiled at you. "Do you want to give him a nickname?" She asked. What would you even call him anyway? You hadn't thought about that yet. "Snivy's alright. It's time to go on an adventure!" You said to the small creature.

You showed your new Pokémon to Colress, who stroked one of Snivy's vines. You fed your new Pokémon a Pokébean. "You might want to save those. There's not very many Pokébeans around here, like there is in Alola. Give him these instead." Colress said, handing you two Oran Berries. You fed them to Snivy, who quickly ate them.

A Pokémon ran out a fenced area, and towards you. It jumped onto you and wanted to play with you. "That's a Lillipup." Colress explained. "I'm surprised she's being so friendly, since they're usually pretty shy. But then again, a lot of the Pokémon in Unova are really nice and just want to be your friend."

You threw a Pokéball at her, and it twitched three times. The ball clicked, and you let her back out. She went running over to the fenced area, and rolled around in the grass. The area had a sign by it, that read: Route 1. You battled for a little bit so your new Pokémon could get stronger. Then you headed over to Accumula Town to heal your Pokémon.

"Everything is so different here. Even the Pokémon Centers look different!" You said to Colress. He nodded in agreement and asked, "Now that you're here, what are you going to do now? Are you going to challenge all the gyms?" He saw the confused look on your face and said, "Oh, you don't know what a Pokémon gym is? Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough. But in the meantime, you should train your Pokémon."


After a little while of training at Route 2, you had caught a Purrloin. Snivy had evolved into a Servine. You headed to Striation City to go to the gym (Although you still weren't exactly sure what a gym was). Colress suggested that you should go to the Dreamyard first, since unusual  Pokémon lived there.

You were playing with a Mushrana and her family of Munna, when a figure emerged from the shadows. He was wearing a gray and black uniform, with a mask that covered up his face. "Colress? Where have you been? No one has seen you in years! You could join us again, and together we can liberate the Pokémon!" "Who are you?" You asked the strange man. "Me? Oh, I'm a member of Team Plasma. We're looking for recruits, if you want to join."

"What's Team Plasma? It sounds cool." You said to Colress. He quickly pulled you out of the Dreamyard and said, "Team Plasma isn't what you think it is. I've got a lot to explain to you." He pulled out Altaria's Pokéball and said, "C'mon. You know where we're going." His Pokémon had a painful expression on her face, as if she was slightly hesitant to fly to wherever he was going. You got on Altaria, and she flew away.

Love: The Perfect Chemistry ~ Colress x Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now